Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1513: Are you... giving up?

Chapter 1513 Are you giving up?

Su Fu turned around and asked with interest, "He's back again?"

"Yes, we are at the bottom of the mountain now. Do you want to see him?" The housekeeper had to sigh, this is really a Xiaoqiang who cannot be killed.

"Do you think I want to see him?" Su Fu's smile faded and her eyes were cold.

The housekeeper said anxiously, "Okay, I'll have him driven away immediately, but... what should I do with Miss Xuetuan?"

 “Is the snow ball here too?”


Su Fu raised her index finger and put it against her chin, "Then why are you standing still? Get the snow ball back."

 “Yes, yes, I’ll do it right away!”

 The housekeeper hurriedly asked the bodyguard to prepare the car and immediately went down the mountain to pick up the snow group.

Lucifer looked thoughtfully at the Rolls-Royce that was getting away, "I don't think Shangguan Ling is just sending the snowball back."

"No matter what his purpose is, I won't agree to it." Su Fu's attitude was very clear.

 All she wants is snowballs.

  As for the other... roll as far as you can.

 Outside the majestic gate, the fleet of vehicles returning back and forth parked quietly there.

Like a quietly dormant beast, ready to launch a violent attack at any time.

In the car, Shangguan Lingyou pinched Xuetuan's little face and glanced at the situation outside the car window from time to time. "Xuetuan, your mother won't agree. Why don't you go home with your father?"

 The snow mass was silent.

Shangguan Ling has nothing to do with her. It seems that she will not give up unless she hits the south wall.

It doesn’t matter.

 Let her see for herself.

Rolls-Royce appears in sight.

The housekeeper and the bodyguard walked over quickly, holding on to the mountain, and knocked on the car window.

 “Miss Cecilia asked us to pick up Little Miss Snowball.”

Jiang Chuan frowned, "Just picking up Miss Snow Tuan?"

"Yes." The housekeeper looked at it for a while, "Please hand over Little Miss Snowball to us, Miss Cecilia is waiting for her."

 Shangguan Ling tapped the tip of Xue Tuan’s nose, “Did you hear Xue Tuan?”

Xuetuan lowered his head. Just when Shangguan Ling thought she had changed her mind, Xuetuan said dullly, "Why can't dad be with mom?"

 Yeah, why can’t dad and mom be together?

 She likes her father and she also likes her mother. Why does she have to make a difficult choice between her father and mother?

These words stumped Shangguan Ling.

His memory of Su Fu only had sporadic fragments, and he couldn't even recall a specific incident.

How they met and how he fell in love with her, he forgot.

He even didn’t know why, as his wife, she had not been with him in the past three years.

 Why is only his snow ball accompanying him?

 Mom and dad should be together, but can he and Su Fu be together?

Who can endure that bad temper that stinks like a wild bull?

“Xue Tuan, not everyone’s parents want to be together. You will understand when you grow up.”

 “Xue Tuan doesn’t want to understand.”

Shangguan Ling sighed, "Then when you miss your mom, stay with her for a while. When you miss your dad, dad will pick you up again, okay?"

Hearing this, Jiang Chuan couldn't help but his eyebrows jumped, "Master, are you... going to give up?"

Shangguan Ling said nothing, and Jiang Chuan did not dare to ask any more questions.

 Finally, Shangguan Ling handed the snow ball to the housekeeper and returned the same way.

 The next day, fly back to country A.


 Shangguan Manor.

  When the servants saw the visitor, they all bowed and said hello, "Welcome home, young master."

 Looking around, I didn’t see the person I wanted to see.

 (End of this chapter)

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