Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1523: It needs Fufu’s snoring and kissing to get better

Chapter 1523: Fufu’s snoring and kissing are all it takes

 When Fufu applied the medicine to him, it hurt so much that tears welled up in his eyes, and he needed Fufu's purring and kissing to make him feel better.

He looked at Shangguan Ling curiously, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Bad daddy, don't you feel pain?"

 “It doesn’t hurt.”

Cesare had an expression on his face that said, "You're lying, it hurts to look at you."

Shangguan Ling chuckled, "It doesn't matter if it hurts a man."

Soph washed the strawberries and took them out, made fruit assortments, topped them with salad, and brought them out.

The time is right, Xuetuan has treated Shangguan Ling's wounds, and now Jiang Chuan is packing the medical kit.

The blood on the man's face was wiped clean, and the wound on his forehead was bandaged with gauze. There was a faint blood seeping out, and a little redness appeared.

 Seeing this scene, Su Fu didn't know what to say.

 She seems to have... underestimated her baby girl.

 “Snowball, Cizer, come over and eat some fruit.”

Xuetuan looked at his hands and said, "Mom, Xuetuan needs to wash his hands."

 Cesare raised his hand, "Cesare wants it too!"

 “Okay, mommy will take you to wash your hands.”

 Took the two little guys into the bathroom to wash their hands. Looking at Xue Tuan, Su Fu couldn't help but ask: "Xue Tuan, who taught you those medical knowledge?"

 “It’s the doctor uncle.”

“Is he the doctor from the infirmary?”

Xuetuan nodded and washed his little hands seriously.

Su Fu fell into deep thought. Xue Tuan was still so small. Why did the doctor teach Xue Tuan these things?

Even children should learn basic medical knowledge. Xuetuan is so small, who can guarantee that she will learn it and remember it?

With so many servants and men in black taking care of him, Xuetuan wouldn’t have to deal with his wounds with his own hands, right?

 She is far from the age where she can handle these matters independently.

Even Cesare only learned some theories to make sure that if he fell, his body was bruised and bleeding, he knew how to stop the bleeding.

But Cesare only knew it and had never practiced it himself.

Looking at the extent of the bandage, Su Fu had to wonder if Xuetuan often did these things?

 “Yeah.” Xuetuan still nodded.

Su Fu suddenly picked her up, and Xuetuan was caught off guard. She looked at her cutely, and stayed stunned for more than ten seconds before asking in a sweet voice: "Mom, what's wrong?"

Su Fu's eyes were complicated, "Xuetuan, tell mommy, why does the doctor teach you this? Do you often treat wounds?"

These questions seem to be somewhat difficult.

Xue Tuan thought for a while before speaking, "Because dad is often injured, the doctor is afraid that Xue Tuan doesn't know how to deal with it, which will make dad's condition more serious."

“So, you often deal with it for your father?” Su Fu had a huge doubt in her heart.

Where are the doctors?

Where have all the doctors in the infirmary gone?

 Are they all living without working?

Xue Tuan thought for a while and then said slowly, "It's not often..."

Cesare's curious little head came over, "Then why is the bad guy dad always getting hurt?"

Xuetuan glanced at Cizer, then at Su Fu, and finally pursed his lips and said nothing.

Since he couldn't ask anything from Xuetuan, Su Fu gave up.

 Leading the two little ones out of the bathroom, Xue Tuan and Cesar sat in rows and ate fruit together.

Harry was chased around by Gabby, accompanied by miserable howls from time to time.

Shangguan Ling sat on the sofa and looked at her leisurely, following her wherever she went.

 (End of this chapter)

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