Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1530: Make her cry and call her husband

Chapter 1530: Make her cry and call her husband

Xuetuan took out the imitation gun that Shangguan Ling gave her. Cizer's eyes were attracted and he walked over unconsciously.

Soph didn't get into pistols until she was twelve years old, so she didn't plan to let Cesar learn them at a young age.

When Xue Tuan took out the imitation gun, César's curiosity was piqued.

Boys are naturally very interested in these weapons. He stretched out his hand and said, "Sister Fairy, can Cizer play with it?"

Xue Tuan nodded, "I'll teach you."

The two siblings were sitting on the sofa. It took Xuetuan less than a minute to take apart the simulated gun.

 It took another thirty seconds to complete the assembly.

 This speed made César exclaim in surprise, "It's great!"

“Do you understand?” Xuetuan asked him.

 Cesare stretched out his hand eagerly, "Cesare, try it."


When Su Fu went downstairs, she saw the two siblings with their heads touching each other, working on the imitation gun.

 “Snowball, Cesare, good morning.”

Xuetuan raised his head and said, "Good morning, mom." His eyes fell behind Su Fu, and he pursed his lips and smiled, "Good morning, dad."

 Cesare didn’t even raise his head, “Good morning Fufu.”

Soph came to Cizer and asked, "What are you playing, Cizer?"

 “Look, Fufu!” Cizer excitedly raised the fake gun he had assembled.

The corners of Su Fu's lips twitched slightly, and Shangguan Ling put the gun against her head.

 “Cesare is awesome, did your sister teach you?”


 “The snowballs are awesome too!”

 At the dinner table, the atmosphere was a bit strange.

Su Fu didn't even look at Shangguan Ling during the whole process, and his attentiveness was ignored by her.

Cesare held the milk and drank it in small sips. Suddenly his eyes widened. As soon as he put the milk down, he crawled into Su Fu's arms like a little monkey.

 “Fufu, what’s swollen here?” His little hand touched the hickey on her neck.

  Sophora raised her neckline and "was bitten by an ugly mosquito."

“Fufu, that must be a very ugly mosquito, that’s why it bit Fufu so badly.” César touched her neck distressedly, and breathed twice: “Fufu, does it still hurt?”

Su Fu was very cooperative, her eyes lit up, she held Cizer's little face and chewed, "It doesn't hurt anymore, Cizer is great."

 “Hehe.” Cizer crawled back to his seat and sat down, eating breakfast obediently.

Shangguan Ling: “…”

A particularly ugly mosquito?

Hmm, this mother and son are really interesting.

 When you deal with her at night, you must make her cry and call her husband.


 Zhao family.

 Mrs. Zhao touched Zhile's head lovingly, "Zhile, don't eat too much ice cream, it will cause stomach upset."

Zhile nodded obediently, "Zhile knows, grandma."


Mrs. Zhao looked at Zhao Qiuxu, who was sitting aside and had been in a daze, and sighed almost inaudibly.

I have been back for a few days, and I am like this every day, absent-minded and often in a daze.

When Mrs. Zhao asked her what happened, she just smiled and shook her head and said it was fine. She just missed her grandparents, so she took her home to stay for a few days.

This excuse sounds perfect and impeccable.

How could Mrs. Zhao not see that she had something on her mind when she knew her daughter Mo Ruomu?

 “Xu Xu, talk to your mother, okay?”

Zhao Qiuxu pursed her lips and said nothing.

“Mom wants to know what happened to you, so don’t let her think about it anymore, okay?”

 Finally, Zhao Qiuxu followed Mrs. Zhao upstairs.

 (End of this chapter)

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