Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1537: Are you a little happier?

Chapter 1537 Are you happy about this?

She said nothing, which made Shangguan Ling feel unsure.

 Should we continue talking?

 She doesn’t seem to want to hear it.

After careful consideration in his heart, Shangguan Ling still sighed almost inaudibly. He had already begun to speak, and he would regret not finishing it.

 Finally found an opportunity to tell her that she couldn't just miss the opportunity.

"Su Fu, I didn't forget you on purpose, but I was infected by Qi Lianyi's virus. After I was poisoned, every day that passed, my memory of you became less and less, until in the end, I completely lost my memory of you. "

Shangguan Ling's dark and deep eyes looked at her quietly, without any pressure or intimidation. They were as quiet as an elk, as black as pure, and as quiet as a distant gaze.

Su Fu remained motionless, and from her expression, Shangguan Ling couldn't tell whether she believed it or not.


Sighing, Shangguan Ling held her cold little hand, "Jiang Chuan said, I ordered you not to enter the country. Although I have not recovered my memory, I can still understand the feeling of giving this order. Su Fu, I don't want you to see it. When I feel like this, I don’t want a man who has no memory of you to appear in front of you and hurt you. When I was poisoned, I didn’t want you to see me. Later, after the virus attack and I was tortured to death, I even didn’t want to. I want you to see me."

“Snowballs are allowed, but I can’t?”

It seemed like a century had passed before Su Fu asked softly.

Shangguan Ling held her hand tightly, took a step forward, and got closer to her, "Su Fu, Xuetuan is my daughter. No matter how embarrassed, decadent, or even depraved I am in front of her, she will always be my daughter." Won't leave me. And you're're different."

Male dignity did not allow her to see him in such a state of embarrassment, nor allowed her to see him in such a depraved state, nor did she allow her to see him dehumanized by illness.

All of this stems from his lack of confidence.

 She is not confident enough that she likes him deeply enough to see such a miserable side of him, and she can still choose him.

 It is also because his male pride does not allow his imperfect side to appear in front of her.

 “Heh.” Su Fu just sneered and didn’t say another word.

Unsure of her attitude, Shangguan Ling lowered his head and squeezed her little hand, "Su Fu, in the past three years, apart from enduring the pain and taking care of Xuetuan, I have not been idle. I have solved Qi Lianyi, and she will not be idle in the future." In the past ten years, it is impossible to return to country A. In the future, even if she comes back, it doesn't matter, I will not be merciful anymore. Only after having Xuetuan, I can understand where her resentment and hatred come from. Rong Yin's only bloodline was more or less her fault that led to the loss of the child. She needs a belief to support her in living. Hatred is the best belief."

Haven’t you spoken yet?

Is she still not going to forgive him?

A faint smile appeared on Shangguan Ling's lips. It didn't matter, he was already prepared to fight a protracted battle.

"By the way, I heard from Jiang Chuan that you used to mind a woman named Pan Yu?" Shangguan Ling raised his eyes and looked at her face carefully, "Pan Yu is Xiangyi's sister, but...she has become a vegetable. , I will be lying in bed for the rest of my life, unable to take care of myself. She will never make trouble and hurt you again."

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 (End of this chapter)

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