Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1539: What makes you think that in three years, I will still be standing where I am?

Chapter 1539 Why do you think I will still be standing there waiting for you three years later?

Shangguan Ling's eyes were filled with pain, his thin lips were pursed tightly, and his handsome face was a bit gloomy.

He could understand that she couldn't calm down for a while, but he couldn't understand her attitude of rejecting him so decisively.

 Is it really that hard to forgive?

 He also had his own reasons, and it was not intentional.

If he could choose not to hide it, why did he have to hide it from her until the two of them were unhappy in the end?

"What do you mean?" Shangguan Ling's hands hanging by his sides were clenched into fists, and veins popped out on the backs of his hands.

"Literally." After saying that, Su Fu didn't want to talk nonsense to him and turned to leave.

His wrists tightened suddenly, and the next second, his body was brought into a hard embrace by a force.

Shangguan Ling trapped her in his arms, lowered his head, and locked his deep cold eyes on her, "Su Fu, tell me clearly, what do you mean?!"


  Let Cizer live with him for a short while, and let Xue Tuan live with her for three months?

 She is quite considerate!

"Shangguan Ling, can you stop forcing others to accept you unconditionally every time?" Su Fu roared angrily, "I am a human being, not your captive pet! Do you think you can trample on me at will and don't treat me as a human being?" Look, you can disrespect me without any reason, but in the end I still can’t escape your grasp?”

"That was not what I meant."

"Shangguan Ling, you are it!" Su Fu's face turned red with anger, and her chest heaved up and down with anger, indicating that she was on the verge of breaking out.

She raised her hand and pointed at the tip of his nose, trembling with anger, "Shangguan Ling, don't deny your selfishness and arrogance. You have never respected me. You planned the marriage and the child. You If you say you can't see me, you won't see me, and you have completely blocked my way to see you. Up to now, you have explained in a few words, and after explaining, you asked me to forgive you. Shangguan Ling, let me ask you, do you think I am mentally retarded? !”

Soph's growling voice became louder and louder each time, and the last word "mentally retarded" broke the sound and became extremely sharp.

Shangguan Ling frowned and tried to comfort her, "Su Fu, calm down."

"Tell me, how should I calm down?" Su Fu slapped him in the face in anger.

Shangguan Ling was stunned for a few seconds. Su Fu took the opportunity to push away from his arms and staggered back a few steps. She took a deep breath and said with an unbearable expression, "Ten thousand steps back, as long as you have me in your eyes, , if you had thought about me from my perspective, you would not have treated me like this. Three years is enough to change anything. Shangguan Ling, why do you think that in three years, I will still be standing there waiting for you? "

 After leaving the words, she turned around and left.

  【Shangguan Ling, why do you think that I will still be standing there waiting for you three years later? 】

This sentence was like a dull punch, hitting his heart hard, and the dull pain spread to his limbs and bones at an extremely fast speed.

Yeah, why does he think she will still stand there waiting for him?


 Does she love him?

Shangguan Ling smiled bitterly. Even he himself couldn't answer this question.

Going into the bathroom and washing his face, Shangguan Ling wiped off the water droplets on his face and looked at himself in the mirror.

He sighed almost inaudibly and told himself that the revolution had not yet succeeded and still needed to work hard.

On the lawn downstairs, the chef had already put the grilled seafood into porcelain plates and placed them on the long dining table nearby.

 (End of this chapter)

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