Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1542: Sophie, wake up

Chapter 1542 Su Fu, wake up

Just then he quietly opened the door and walked quietly to the bedside.

Soph was sleeping deeply and did not notice anyone breaking into her bedroom at all.

Sitting by the bed and watching her quietly for a while, Shangguan Ling sighed, got up and left.

 The next day, Shangguan Ling had already gone downstairs with the washed Xue Tuan and Cizer. After waiting in the restaurant for a long time, he did not see Su Fu coming downstairs.

 “Cesare, go and call Fufu.” Cesare couldn’t sit still for a long time, jumped down from the chair, and disappeared in the blink of an eye like a slippery little loach.

 Shangguan Ling got up and chased him out.


 The bedroom door opened, César ran to the bedside, and crawled onto Soph's bed with his hands and feet.

Holding Su Fu’s face with her little hands, she shouted crisply: “Fufu, wake up!”

After calling for a while, Su Fu didn't respond at all. Cizer was frightened, and just then Shangguan Ling walked in.

As if he had found a savior, César turned around and shouted hurriedly, "Daddy, Fufu can't hear César."

"Let me take a look." Shangguan Ling came to the bedside and touched Su Fu's forehead with one hand.

 The temperature is normal.

He tried to slap Su Fu on the face, "Su Fu, wake up."

 César grabbed Shangguan Ling's hand distressedly, her delicate little face tightened with anger, "Don't hit Fufu!"

 “Cesare, this is just one way to wake up your mother, it won’t hurt her too much.”

 “Really...really?” Cesare was dubious.

"of course it's true."

Cesare then hesitantly let go of his hand, Shangguan Ling continued to pat Su Fu's face, and did not forget to tell Cesare: "Go downstairs and ask Uncle Jiang Chuan to call the doctor. Hurry, you know? "

 “Cesare knows!”

César jumped out of bed, staggered, and almost fell down. Shangguan Ling reached out to help him stand up.

 He rushed out again in a hurry.

Shangguan Ling frowned, slapped Su Fu on the face, and increased his voice: "Su Fu, wake up, wake up quickly!"

 The doctor came soon, "Master."

“Check her quickly, she’s unconscious.” Shangguan Ling stood up immediately and made way for the doctor.

The doctor checked and quickly prepared medicine for Su Fu. While giving her an infusion, he explained: "Master, the young lady has a low fever and she has lost consciousness. Now I will give her an infusion, which will take about two and a half hours. When the young lady wakes up later, you can let her drink some light porridge first, and then take the medicine."

Shangguan Ling looked solemn and nodded, firmly remembering the doctor's words.

 Two little guys stood beside him, both frowning.

Shangguan Ling smiled and comforted the two siblings, "Xuetuan, Cesar, mom is fine, she will wake up after a nap. It's time for you to go downstairs for breakfast, Xuetuan, take Cesar downstairs. .”

César refused to leave, clutching the bedside with two little paws, "César won't leave, César will stay with Fu Fu."

Xue Tuan ruthlessly opened Cesar's hand and said, "Eat breakfast first."

 “Cesare won’t eat.”

 “If you don’t eat, you won’t grow taller.”

 “Cesare doesn’t want to grow taller, he wants to stay with Fufu!”

Xue Tuan pursed her lips and said, "A short dwarf who is not tall cannot protect his mother."

 A dwarf who is not tall?

César was hit by an arrow in the heart and protested, "César is not a dwarf, César can protect Fufu!"

Without saying a word, Xuetuan dragged Cizer away.

The doctor exited the bedroom. Shangguan Ling sat beside the bed, holding Su Fu's cold little hand, and placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand with his thin lips.

 (End of this chapter)

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