Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1574: That **** man is here again?

Chapter 1574 Is that **** man here again?

 The implication is that you'd better be more aware of current affairs, otherwise no one knows what will happen.

Angus was humiliated, and now he was threatened again. He watched the dagger getting closer and closer to his hand.

 The sweat on his forehead was increasing, and a thin layer gradually gathered into drops.

 Slide down the face.

Angus simply closed his eyes and looked like he was risking his life. "You can kill Master Shangguan if you want. I have nothing to say."

Jiangchuan looked at Shangguan Ling and signaled with his eyes, what should we do?

 She has quite a bit of backbone.

Shangguan Ling took a deep breath from his cigarette and asked with all his heart, "Angus, don't you want to know where your girlfriend went?"

Angus opened his eyes suddenly, "What did you do to Lina?!"

"I didn't do anything to her, but if you don't cooperate, anything is possible."

 “Despicable!” Angus cursed.

Shangguan Ling raised his hand and glanced at his watch. It was almost time for that boy Cizer to wake up and he had to rush back.

"You only have one night to think about it. I will get a satisfactory answer tomorrow."

After saying that, the man stood up and left.


Leo quickly came to the study, knocked on the door, and then pushed the door open and entered.

“Your Highness, Shangguan Ling has captured Angus.”

 Lucifer nodded, "I know, this is always in line with his methods."

“Look, should we send someone to rescue Dr. Angus?”

"No need." Lucifer stood up from the executive chair and walked out, "I want Shangguan Ling to send Angus back in person."

 After understanding what Lucifer meant, Leo immediately prepared his car and headed to Onassis Castle.

The housekeeper greeted him warmly, "Master Lucifer, are you here?"

 Lucifer nodded with a smile, "Where's Cecilia?"

“Miss Cecilia and Miss Christina are taking a lunch break, and Young Master Cesare is also taking a lunch break.”

 Lucifer quickly went upstairs, "I'm going to see Cesar."

 In Shangguan Ling's bedroom, he found Cizer sleeping soundly.

 The little guy’s face is rosy as he sleeps, he’s so cute.

 Lucifer leaned over, picked him up, and carried him back to his children's room. Lucifer lay beside him and looked at him intently.

Cesare stretched a lot, opened his eyes, and saw Lucifer in a daze. He grinned his little mouth and rushed towards him.

“Uncle Lucifer, is Cesare dreaming?”

"Is the uncle in the dream so real?" Lucifer hugged the little guy with a milky smell, lowered his head and kissed him.

Cesare smiled and poked his handsome face with soft fingers, "Uncle Lucifer, why are you here?"

 “Come and see my Cesare and see if Cesare misses his uncle in the past two days.”

 “Think about it!”

 Shangguan Ling came back at the right time and saw Lucifer's motorcade, and his heart sank suddenly.

That **** man is here again?

Stepping into the room quickly, he was about to go upstairs without looking back. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the housekeeper at the entrance of the stairs.

"Bodyguard, you can't go up there." The housekeeper looked at the powerful man in front of him and felt a little unsure about what he said.

 In front of Shangguan Ling, he unconsciously showed his timidity.

 “Get out of here.”

 The housekeeper held on, "You can't go up!"

“Whose order?” Shangguan Ling’s cold eyes were dark.

 “Master Lucifer’s order.”

"Heh." Shangguan Ling sneered, lifted the butler's door open with one hand, and hurried upstairs.

 (End of this chapter)

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