Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1579: I'm cheap, okay?

Chapter 1579 I’m cheap, okay?

 “Don’t be hypocritical!”

Suf waved away his hand, turned around quickly, covered her nose, and forced back the painful tears in her eyes.

The woman's slightly thin back made Shangguan Ling feel very uncomfortable.

He gritted his teeth and turned her around with one hand, "Is there any bleeding? I'll ask the doctor to check you."


"Su Fu!" Shangguan Ling growled angrily, "When will you stop being so stubborn? Can you face up to your character and temper, even if it's just one gentle compromise?"

"I'm really sorry for you, Master Shangguan. The word gentle will never have anything to do with me in this life."

She rubbed her nose and waited until the sore pain subsided, then she sniffed and said, "If you like someone who is gentle and lovable, you can go find someone who is gentle and lovable. Don't be an eyesore in my sight."

 “Are you serious?”

 “Do I look like I’m joking?”

Shangguan Ling nodded sharply and stared at her with cold eyes, "You are good enough!"

 “Thank you for the compliment.”

After Su Fu finished speaking, she turned around and left.

As soon as she got into the car, the man followed her. Su Fu's expression turned cold. Before she could say anything, Shangguan Ling laughed at himself: "I'm cheap, okay?"


 Lucifer answered the phone, his expression changed slightly, "I understand."

  After hanging up the phone, Cesar jumped into his arms and hung on him like a little monkey.

“Uncle Lucifer, when will you take Cesare to ride a horse?” Cesare puffed up his cheeks with a slight complaint.

“Uncle, I still have something to do, but I can’t do it today, why not tomorrow?”

 Cesare nodded glumly, "Okay."

 After playing with Cesar and Snowball for a while, Lucifer took Leo and left.

“Your Highness, where are you going?”

Lucifer walked quickly, "Royal Hospital."

Angus had a car accident on his way back to the Royal Hospital.

At the Royal Hospital, Lucifer's motorcade traveled smoothly. When they arrived outside the emergency room, he looked at the nurse beside him and asked, "How did Angus get into a car accident?"

The nurse shook her head, "Your Highness Lucifer, I don't know. When Dr. Angus was sent here, he was covered in blood. The initial diagnosis was a comminuted fracture of the wrist. The other wounds on the body are still uncertain."

 A comminuted fracture of the wrist is tantamount to a disaster for a doctor holding a scalpel.

Lucifer rubbed his forehead, turned his head, and ordered Leo: "Go and check immediately to find out whether the car accident was an accident or man-made!"

At this juncture, Angus had a car accident, which made people think of someone's revenge.

Whether it was Shangguan Ling who did it or not, Lucifer has the responsibility to find out what happened!

 Onassis Castle.

 The dining table is already filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the aroma of the food is floating in the air, stimulating appetite.

 Cesare was lying on Gabi's body.

 “Cesare, come over for dinner.”

 “Fufu, César doesn’t want to eat it.”

After hearing this, Souf was stunned for a moment, then came to him with a smile, "What happened to our lovely Cizere, huh?"

“Fufu, call Uncle Lucifer and tell him to take Cizel to ride a horse tomorrow, otherwise Cizel will be angry.”

After Shangguan Ling heard this, he interrupted, "Want to ride a horse? I'll take you there."

 (End of this chapter)

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