Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 1595: That's to be expected, isn't it?

Chapter 1595 It’s expected, isn’t it?

Xuetuan ran down and hugged Shangguan Ling’s leg, “Dad, don’t hit Gabby!”

Perhaps Xue Tuan's words had an effect, and Shangguan Ling gradually withdrew his hand.

Gabby shook her head, opened her mouth to reveal her sharp teeth, and when she was about to bite again, she was hugged by a snowball.

 Her little hand touched Gabby and patted it, "Gabby, don't bite, Gabby."

“Little Miss Xuetuan, be careful!” Jiang Chuan shouted worriedly, reaching out to hold her back.

Unexpectedly, Gabby calmed down, let go of Shan Xuan, and circled around the snow.

Xue Tuan hugged its neck. Gabby accommodated her height and lay down. Xue Tuan touched its head and frowned worriedly, "Gabby, are you okay?"

Gabby rubbed her little face with his big head, and her fair little face was covered in blood.

 In an instant, the snow ball turned into a little tabby cat.

 Gabby was stunned and wanted to lick it clean. Xuetuan shrank his neck and hid, "Gabby doesn't want it."

Shangguan Ling had already carried Shan Xuan, who had fainted from pain, into the car. He looked at Xue Tuan who was playing with Gabby, frowned twice, and then said, "Xue Tuan, do you want to go with daddy?"

Xue Tuan reluctantly hugged Gabby, then nodded, stretched out her hand, and let him carry her into the car.

Gabby stood up, stared at Shangguan Ling eagerly, and howled fiercely.

Shangguan Ling closed the car door expressionlessly and shouted coldly: "Go to the hospital!"

 “Yes, Master!”

Shan Xuan's hand has been bitten to pieces and is bloody. A piece of flesh is attached to the tendons and bones, and it looks like it won't fall off. It's very scary.

   There are faintly visible bones.

 “Snow ball, close your eyes.”

Xue Tuan obediently closed his eyes.

 Shangguan Ling took out the medical kit and simply stopped Shan Xuan's bleeding. Then he wiped his hands clean with a towel and hugged Xue Tuan tightly.

After a long time, Xuetuan asked in a sweet voice, "Dad, can Xuetuan open your eyes?"

 “Well, open it.”

Xue Tuan opened her eyes. Her thick and long eyelashes looked very much like her mother's, with a touch of endearing pity. She pursed her small mouth and grabbed Shangguan Ling's cufflinks unhappily.

 “Why did Dad hit Gabby?”

 “Gabby bit someone, that’s not right.”

Xue Tuan lowered his head and twirled his cufflinks dully without saying a word.

"What's wrong with Xuetuan?" Sensing that she was in a bad mood, Shangguan Ling lowered his head and asked in a human voice.

 Xue Tuan shook his head, still silent.

Shangguan Ling sighed and did not continue to ask. Instead, he asked the man in black to speed up. Shan Xuan's injury must be treated immediately. There can be no delay!

After the motorcade disappeared, Su Fu opened the car door and put Cizer down from the car who was struggling fiercely.


César's eyes were red, and he staggered towards Gabi. Gabi rushed towards him and stopped in front of him. She lowered her big head and rubbed her little master's face affectionately.

César hugged Gabby’s neck, feeling angry and worried, “César doesn’t like bad daddy anymore!”

Su Fu was already numb, and she no longer felt anything about that scene.

 That's to be expected, isn't it?

She watched César holding Gabi and muttering a lot of words. Seeing that the time was almost up, she summoned César and Gabi back.

Getting in the car, Cesar opened his eyes and asked curiously, "Fufu, are you angry with the bad guy daddy?"

Soph responded vaguely.

 (End of this chapter)

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