Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 2981: Don't comfort me anymore

Chapter 2981 Don’t comfort me anymore

“Uncle and Aunt Gu, Xiaoguai will take you and Yi Ran to country F to have some fun tomorrow. How about we go back to country A after playing for a few days?”

Xiao Guai was deeply afraid that they would not agree, "It's rare for you to come here, so just play together, okay?"

Gu Jinglan smiled, as if there was nothing he could do about her, "Okay."

 Cizer was completely isolated, and like a host, Xiaoguai began to enthusiastically introduce the famous attractions in country F, and began to plan the travel route for the next few days.

 Cesare raised his hand, rubbed his forehead, and considered whether he should go to the company first.

Lisa went downstairs and was stunned when she saw the guests.

Standing blankly at the stairs, not daring to move.

 Cesare saw it, got up and walked over, "Are you awake?"

 Lisa nodded and asked cautiously, "Cesare, do you have guests?"

 “Well, my uncle, aunt and brother.”

“ it inconvenient for me to show up?”

"No." Cesare took her back to the living room, "Uncle Gu, and the same goes for auntie. This is my friend, Lisa."

 Lisa was confused by the situation in front of her. She said hello obediently, and then slipped into the kitchen on the pretext of preparing breakfast.

“Cesare, is this your girlfriend?” Gu Jinglan asked.

 It is very rare for female friends to live at home.

 “No, she is my friend.” Cizer said with a smile, without deliberately denying it.

 Hong Kong also discovered that Xiaoguai’s expression had changed since Cizer brought Lisa over just now.

 Now, he pouted directly.

 At first glance, it looks like you are angry or sulking.

He also came closer and asked, "My dear, what's wrong with you?"


 “Is it because of Brother Cesare and his friends?”

Xiao Guai lowered his head and told Yi Yi in a low voice, "Yi Yi, I tell you, you are not allowed to tell Uncle Gu and Aunt Gu."

 “Okay, you tell me.” Yiran nodded with a smile and promised to keep her secret.

 “Lisa likes brother Cesar and said that she wants to compete fairly with me.”

I also understand that if I put a love rival under the same roof, anyone else would be unhappy.

 “Does my brother like Lisa?”

Xiao Guai glanced at Yiyi with great resentment, "I don't know... I guess I like her. This is the first time Brother Cesar has brought a girl home to live with him."

He also raised his hand and patted her head, "It doesn't matter. You are cute and pretty. My brother will definitely like you."

“Don’t comfort me, Lisa is also very cute and beautiful.”

 “That’s different.”

 The two of them were whispering to each other, and in Cizer's opinion, they seemed to be in a good relationship.

He put a hand on his forehead, and the butler came out quickly to remind him that breakfast was ready.

 The group of people then moved to the restaurant.

 After breakfast, Cesar went to the company, and Lisa also went to the company with him to do odd jobs.

Xiaoguai is accompanying Gu Jinglan, Zhao Qiuxu and others, let’s have some fun and go shopping together.

Getting into the car, the little boy pressed his head against the window and watched helplessly as Lisa and Cesar got into the car together, and then the convoy slowly left.

Oh, how annoying!

  Why doesn’t Brother Cizere accompany his uncle and aunt?

 Is official business that important?

I’m so envious of Lisa because she can be with Brother Cizel again today.

Although she also wanted to be with brother Cizer, the most important thing was to spend time with her uncle and aunt.

 Xiaoguai, who was still in a low mood at the beginning, gradually forgot about Cizer and Lisa.

 (End of this chapter)

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