Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 2986: Neither I nor you, what do you want?

Chapter 2986 Neither I nor you, what do you want?

  Turning off the hair dryer, Xiaoguai stretched out his paws and touched his hair. It was already dry.

She moved, wanting to lie back down and get farther away from him.

 You want to run away without saying a word?

Cesare chuckled lightly, pulling on a corner of the quilt, watching her struggling with interest.

Xiaoguai spent a lot of effort and didn't move at all. She turned her head and saw his mischievous hands. She immediately became unhappy and said, "Why are you grabbing Xiaoguai's quilt? Please let go." !”

 “I helped you dry your hair and didn’t say a word of thanks?”


Xiaoguai looked arrogant, "You spanked Xiaoguai, and it still hurts. Xiaoguai doesn't want to thank you."

Cesare stretched out his hand and pinched her soft cheek, "You still have a grudge against me, don't you?"


César used his long arms to scoop her up into his arms, holding her delicate chin with one hand, "Then tell me, is it wrong to lie?"

 “…” The little boy looked away guiltily.

“I asked you who you met today and what did you say?”


 “I gave you two chances, how did you answer me?”


César sighed, with a look of disappointment on his face, "My little boy, what did I teach you? You can be bad, but you can't be bad. Lying is not something a good boy would do, do you understand?"

 “The little boy is not a bad boy.”

Xiaoguai stretched out her hand, grabbed the shirt on his chest tightly, and defended herself weakly, "Brother Cesar doesn't like Kelly, but Kelly is Xiaoguai's friend. Uncle and aunt asked Xiaoguai if he had any What kind of friends? Xiaoguai said he had one, so he asked Kelly to go out for dinner together. I didn’t expect that Kelly would call her cousin over..."

Looking at Cesar's disappointed expression, she nuzzled and moved closer to him, "My dear, I know I'm wrong. I shouldn't have lied."

The little paws ran down his chest again and again, "Brother Cizer, please don't be angry, okay? You are a good boy."

“Will you tell lies again in the future?”

Xiaoguai shook his head violently, "Stop lying."

César pinched her chin and shook her head from side to side. There was nothing he could do to her, "I'll spare you this time, but I won't do it next time."

 “Hee hee, brother Cizer is the best.”

 Cesare started to peel off the quilt with one hand. Xiaoguai was stunned for a moment, "Brother Cizel, what are you doing?"

 “Didn’t you say it hurt? Let me see if there is any injury.”

have a look?

Xiaoguai looked shocked, could I look there!

 “No!” Xiao Guai shouted, and his two little paws instantly covered his butt, trying to resist him.

 Cesare frowned, "I am a doctor. In the eyes of doctors, there is no distinction between men and women."

 “That...that won’t work either.”

 Cesare raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, very irritated, "Should I ask Emma to come over and check you?"

Emma is the female doctor in the castle.

Xiaoguai still shook his head, "Emma can't do it either, Xiaoguai doesn't want it."

"I don't want it, and Emma doesn't want it either. What on earth do you want to do?" Cizer was angry. Since when did she become so misbehaved?

Where has the cute little crybaby gone?

Xiaoguai stared at him for a moment, his eyes watery, and he was about to cry in the next second.

  Cesare: “…”

 “You...what are you doing, you little bastard?”

 Cesare looked embarrassed and said, "I'm not trying to hurt you."

 “You’re still lying. You were clearly being mean to me just now. You go, you go, and I’m ignoring you...”

 (End of this chapter)

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