Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3008: Why are your eyes swollen like this?

Chapter 3008: Why are the eyes swollen like this?

I don’t know how she is doing now.

 Hour, I haven’t received a single phone call for so many days.

 Probably, I'm having a little mood again, and I'm angry with him.


Xiaoguai slept all day, and in the evening, he was woken up by Mia's phone call.

She picked up the phone in a daze, her eyes almost swollen and she could hardly open them.

She took a hard look at Mia's note before picking up the phone, "Mia..."

As soon as the voice came out, Mia was startled, "My dear, what's wrong with you?"

Xiaoguai herself was stunned for a moment. Her voice was probably hoarse from crying, and her eyes were uncomfortably dry. She lay on the bed and said wiltedly: "I'm fine, it's just that... my throat is a little uncomfortable."

“Have you had it checked by a doctor? Is it serious?”

 “It’s okay, don’t worry.”

Mia was silent for a while, then asked cautiously, "My dear, have you returned to China?"

"Well, I've gone home." Xiaoguai thought Mia wanted to ask her out to play, so he said tactfully: "I haven't been feeling well these days, so I may not be able to play with you."

"'s okay. If you don't feel well, just take a good rest at home. We will play together again when we have time."

 After chatting briefly for a while, Mia hung up the phone.

She held the phone and hesitated for a moment before calling General Xi.

 “Grandpa Xi.”

"Mia, is there any news about Xiao Guai?" General Xi's voice was full of urgency.

 After Xiaoguai returned to country F, he could find very little information.

 After much deliberation, it would be safest to let Mia inquire about Xiao Guai.

“Grandpa Xi, Xiaoguai has returned to China. She is at home now. However, she has not been feeling well these days, so she stays at home to rest.”

General Xi’s anxious look was instantly replaced by worry.

 Hearing that Xiaoguai was feeling unwell, his heart tightened instantly.

"What's wrong, little boy? What's wrong with your body? Has the doctor checked it? Have you taken any medicine?"

“Xiao Guai said it’s okay, Grandpa Xi, you don’t have to worry.”

General Xi was still worried, "Mia, can you go and see Xiaoguai? See how she is doing. I'm always worried that she won't take care of herself..."

Although he knew that the Shangguan family would take good care of her, General Xi was still worried when he heard the news that his granddaughter was not feeling well.

 Uncontrollable worry.

 He is now alone.

Even his only granddaughter, he dared not get close to her for fear of scaring her.

Over the years, he could only watch her secretly. Watching her transform from a shaky little dumpling to a graceful girl, General Xi was filled with emotion.

Even though he longed to recognize Xiao Guai back, he still had scruples...

  I didn’t dare to appear in front of her rashly, for fear of scaring her.

General Xi’s request was not excessive. Mia thought about it and agreed.

 She called Xiaoguai and explained it. She thought it would take some effort to convince Xiaoguai.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoguai agreed immediately.

 She also asked bodyguards to pick her up and take her to the manor.

 Shangguan Manor.

 The housekeeper led Mia to Xiaoguai's bedroom and knocked on the door, "Miss Xiaoguai, Miss Mia is here to see you."

"come in."

Mia pushed the door open and saw her lying on the bed with a sleepy expression, her eyes were red and swollen, and even her voice was hoarse.

“Oh my god!” Mia was stunned and stepped forward quickly, “What’s wrong with you, my dear? Why are your eyes swollen like this?”

 (End of this chapter)

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