Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3075: Shichen, how are you injured?

Chapter 3075 Shichen, how are you injured?

Rong Yin didn't waver at all, so Qi Lianyi had to use his trump card, "If you don't have a matching identity, what can you do to keep Shangguan Xingye?"

 Without a matching identity, what can he do to keep Xuetuan?

 This sentence goes straight to the heart.

Rong Yin is at a loss, should he go for it?

Qi Lianyi saw that his expression showed signs of loosening and softened his tone, "Rong Yin, since you have come to this step and are about to succeed, why don't you continue to work hard? When you become the president, even if you use your emotions If you can’t keep Shangguan Xingye, you still have rights.”

 Rights are a good thing.

  How many people have fought **** battles for rights.

“Rong Yin, please think carefully about what mother said.” After leaving the words, Qi Lianyi took a deep look at him and turned to leave.


 Global Hotels.

The doorbell of the suite rang, and Shi Chen got up to open the door.

Standing outside the door was Hoshino.

Seeing her, Shi Chen was stunned, "Hoshino?"

 “Is it convenient to go in and talk?”

 Shichen nodded and turned sideways, "Of course, please come in."

Hoshino thought for a whole night. Since Shiki was her savior, his injuries were obviously not healed yet.

 She should do something for him to repay him.

"What would you like to drink? Juice or tea?" Shi Chen's clear voice asked thoughtfully.

Hoshino shook his head, "Just give me a glass of water."

 Shi Chen leaned over and poured water for her. A glass of water was placed on the coffee table in front of her.

  Sitting down opposite her, Shi Chen felt nervous and uneasy.

 Never thought that she would come to him in person.

It seems that she has asked Rong Yin for confirmation, and it is obvious that Rong Yin deceived her.

Hoshino had an elegant posture, picked up the water glass and took a sip, thinking about what to say, "Shichen, how are you injured?"

“The doctor said I need to rest for a while.”

He never mentioned the severity of the injury or the number of surgeries he had undergone.

 Just say in an understatement that you need to rest.

 This is Shichen, he is different from others.

Xing Zhi could not help but compare him with Rong Yin. One was gentle and considerate of others, while the other was Rong Yin who was full of lies and would do whatever it took to achieve his goals.

 What she couldn't bear was deception. Rong Yin not only deceived her, but also took advantage of her, including her marriage.

No matter how you look at it, Rong Yin has committed a heinous crime!

“Shichen, I’m very grateful that you saved me. If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have been able to escape easily.”

 After a pause, Hoshino asked sincerely, "Is there anything you need me to do for you? I will do my best to the best of my ability."

When Shichen heard her words, there were ripples in his heart.

Perhaps he can be as shameless as Rong Yin and take advantage of his kindness to threaten her with divorce.

 You can even ask her to be with him.

 He likes her... He has liked her since the hunter training.

 Because I liked her, I saved her without hesitation and never thought of asking for anything in return.

He only had one thought, nothing could happen to her, she couldn't be hurt!

 But...he is not Rong Yin after all.

He can't force someone he likes, let alone use his kindness to coerce her.

 He saved her purely because he liked her. He did not ask for anything in return, and it was also purely because he liked her.

"Xingye, I don't need you to do anything for me. I came back just to tell you the truth. I don't want you to be deceived by Rong Yin and kept in the dark."

 (End of this chapter)

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