Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3188: Why are you so angry?

Chapter 3188 Why are you so angry?

 Didn’t he say that his sister’s friend was sick and needed his own treatment?

 Why did you suddenly go on vacation?

 No wonder she couldn't see him these days.

“The doctor checked my dad and said he is recovering well and can now go home from the hospital. I don’t want to go home just yet. Can I go find you?”

 “You want to come over?”

 “Well, is that okay?” Lisa asked cautiously.

Xiaoguai seemed to hear Lisa's voice. Her face tightened and she looked unhappy.

 Cesare pondered for a moment and said, "Okay."

At the other end, Lisa cheered.

  After hanging up the phone, Cesar could feel the unhappiness on Xiao Guai's face.

She remained silent and stared at him with her big watery eyes.

"What's wrong?"

 He reached out and wanted to pinch her soft cheek.

Before his hand touched her face, she dodged it first.

Xiao Guai stared at him accusingly, "Is it Lisa?"

 “Well, she wants to come over and play for a few days.”

 “So you agreed?”

 Because Lisa wanted to come over for a few days, so he agreed without asking her if she wanted to?

This was originally a vacation for the two of them, why did Lisa need to be included?

Why? !

 Why should the time that belongs to her be divided up and given to Lisa?

 Xiaoguai is unhappy, very unhappy.

Hand off his hand, he stood up and went upstairs. Each step he took upstairs was heavy and made a loud sound.

 Use this to prove that you are really angry.

 “Little boy.”

Cesare followed, and the little boy ran back to the bedroom without looking back, and slammed the door with a bang.

 When she returned to the bedroom, she discovered that her soiled mattress had not been replaced.

 Because there is no spare mattress in the villa, you have to go out to buy one if you want to replace it.

 The servant just left the island in the morning and has not returned from shopping yet.

Xiao Guai returned to the sofa and sat down sadly, hugging his legs and resting his chin on his knees.

 I thought angrily in my heart, if Lisa really comes, then she will go back to China.

Go back home immediately and never talk to him again.


Cesare stood outside the door, "My dear, open the door."

"don't want!"

“Remember to drink **** brown sugar water later.”

 “Don’t drink.”

“He Xiaoxi, why are you so angry?”

Xiaoguai felt a wave of grievance in his heart. He bit his lip silently and sobbed without making a sound.

 After receiving no response for a long time, Cesare left.

 In the evening, the helicopter landed on the helipad.

Lisa came to the island, carrying simple luggage, and was invited into the villa by the housekeeper.


The little boy who was going downstairs for dinner saw Lisa flying toward César.

This scene looks so familiar.

 Just like when she returned to Onassis Castle and saw Lisa for the first time.

Wearing a servant's uniform, she also jumped into Cizer's arms with excitement and joy.

Cesare raised his eyes and glanced at Xiaoguai. Seeing her red eyes, which were already sparkling with water, he subconsciously avoided Lisa.

Lisa jumped in the air, followed Cizer's line of sight, and saw the little boy standing on the stairs.

Her smile froze for a moment, and then she waved and said hello: "My dear, long time no see."

"Long time no see, Lisa." Xiaoguai suppressed his mood swings and pretended to be calm as he greeted her.


With a meow, Lisa immediately took off her kitten backpack from her back, opened it, and released a white kitten.

 The little kitten came to a strange environment, was cautious for a while, and then jumped to the ground.

 (End of this chapter)

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