Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3196: Cesar, admit it

 Chapter 3196 Cizer, admit it

 “I’m calm now.”

 There has never been a calmer time than now.

It was so quiet that you could almost feel every beat of your heart, so quiet that you could see the fleeting resistance in his eyes.

 Cesare, admit it.

 Actually, you already have someone you like, but you just don’t know it.

Hold his neck, Lisa's laughter became more and more loud, "Cesare, do you really not have anyone you like?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Xiaoguai who came over at some point.

 She just stood there far away, motionless.

Lisa is determined, so let’s continue.

 In a situation with three people, one person always has to leave.

 And she could almost predict her own situation.

 “Lisa, what’s wrong with you?” Cizer raised his hand and tried to pull her arm down.

Lisa hugged his neck tightly and refused to let go. She smiled coquettishly and said, "Just tell me, okay?"

"not good."

"Cesare, what are you running from, or...are you afraid to say anything to someone you like?"

 Don’t dare to say?

César narrowed his cold eyes dangerously, "Lisa, what's wrong with you today?"

 Something is wrong.

 Something is very wrong.

"I've always liked you, don't you know?" Lisa blinked, holding back her heartache, "I've liked you since the day you saved me. It's just that you never knew, I I hide it carefully and don't dare to let you know. I am very contradictory. On the one hand, I don't want you to know because I am afraid that you will let me leave you. On the other hand, I want to let you know and let you feel my love. Maybe you She also likes me a little bit..."


César opened her thin lips slightly and wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Lisa, "No, please listen to me first."

 If she doesn’t say anything this time, she will never have the courage again.

"You are the best person to me besides my daddy and mommy. Growing up, my daddy and mommy were very busy and barely had much time to take care of me and accompany me. I was rebellious and ran away from home, but I never thought that the outside world is actually full of dangers. If it weren't for you... I'm afraid I don't know which country I was sold to now. Cesare, I like you, not because of your family background, not because of your money, just Because of who you are."

Even if he is penniless, she will still love him without any hesitation or regret.

 As long as he gives her a chance.

"You know, after my father and mother met you for the first time, they told me that we were not suitable for each other. They told me to give up this feeling as soon as possible. I was very angry and sad at the time. But later, gradually I I'm relieved. So what? Who said you don't like me? I heard that I was the first girl you brought home. You were considerate to me and took me with you on business trips... I was both excited and secretly So sweet. I wonder if you like me as much as I like you."

“Lisa, stop talking.” Cesare frowned and interrupted her.

 It makes no sense to say it any further.

“Cesare, you said you don’t have anyone you like, is that true?”

César was silent, Xiao Guai's aggrieved face flashed through his mind.

In a daze, Lisa stood on tiptoes and said, "Since there is no one you like, let's kiss him without any scruples."

 The moment Lisa kissed her, César pushed her away.

Lisa staggered and took two steps back before she could stand still.

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 (End of this chapter)

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