Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3201: Are we still friends?

Chapter 3201 Are we still friends?

But Xiaoguai didn’t even look at it and just ate it.

 The pain on his face now must be that he was tortured by that garlic.

Xiaoguai shook his head and said he was fine.

But is it really okay?

Xiao Guai looked at Cizer with a pained face, bad guy!


“Spit it out.” Cesare approached her and lowered his voice.

Xiaoguai whimpered, vomited it out, took the water glass he handed and took two sips.

Suddenly, I didn’t forget to give him a fierce look.

 “Ha.” Cesare laughed softly.

 During dinner, the little boy was so angry that he ignored Cizer.

On the other hand, she and Pei Zhennan have been chatting lively, talking about her embarrassing things during training and which restaurant's new dishes are delicious.

 Cesare listened and suddenly lost all appetite.

  Putting down his chopsticks, he picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

 After dinner, the group moved to the hall.

Xiao Guai drank the yogurt brought by the servant and leaned over curiously to watch Pei Zhennan and General Xi finish their unfinished game.

 “Would you like to play a round, little darling?”

 “But, Xiaoguai is very stupid...”

“It doesn’t matter, give it a try.” Pei Zhennan encouraged her.

General Xi smiled cheerfully and moved away, "Okay, little darling, you and your brother Pei have a game for entertainment."

 The game was restarted, and Xiaoguai was quite engaged in the game.

Pei Zhennan was obviously letting go and kept giving way to her.

César watched this scene from the side, snorted coldly, got up and walked out.

“Master Cizer, are you leaving?” General Xi asked.

 “Go out to eat.”

Xiao Guai heard the movement and raised his eyes, hesitating whether to follow or not.

General Xi's voice rang out, "My dear, you have to concentrate on playing chess."


 After being interrupted by General Xi, Xiaoguai stopped thinking about Cizer.

 After the two games of chess were played, Xiao Guai went out to look for Cizer on an excuse, only to learn from the guard that he had left.

  "Leaving?" Xiao Guai was stunned on the spot.

Didn’t he say that he brought Guaguai out to eat?

 Why did you leave so suddenly?


Xiao Guai kicked the ground with his toes. Alas, Brother Cizer must be angry.

 Definitely yes.

 “Little boy.”

Pei Zhennan's voice came from behind.

Xiaoguai smiled with curved lips and turned around, "Brother Pei, why are you out too?"

 “I have something I want to talk to you about alone.”

 “Okay.” The two of them walked towards the garden together.

Every plant and tree in the official residence has been carefully taken care of, and every detail is exquisite.

 Walking in the garden, the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers, which is refreshing.

“Xiao Guai, are you with him?”

 Through his observations tonight, he discovered the strange atmosphere between the two.

The little boy's face was hot and red, and he lowered his head shyly, "Yeah."

 “Are you happy?”

"Happy!" Xiaoguai nodded vigorously, "Xiaoguai has liked Brother Cizel for a long time, and I am very happy to be with him."

 “As long as you are happy. Don’t be stupid and bullied again.”

Xiao Guai was a little embarrassed. Brother Pei must have seen what happened tonight.


“Are we still friends?” Pei Zhennan asked with a smile.

 Concentrated gaze, with calmness.

Xiaoguai said with a smile: "Of course we are friends! Brother Pei, Xiaoguai is waiting for you to take Xiaoguai to eat delicious food!"

He raised his hand, placed it on her head, and said softly, "Okay, I'll take you there another day when I'm free."

 (End of this chapter)

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