Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3209: a little life

Chapter 3209 A little life

He must personally inform the chef about the taboos for pregnant women.

 Before she makes a decision, the child in her belly must be safe and healthy.

Hoshino has not been able to recover for a long time, and has been stuck in the sudden and shocking news of pregnancy.

 Unknown to her, a little life was already conceived in her belly.

  This is such a miraculous thing.

César brought out two bowls of bird's nests from the kitchen and said, "Sister, drink some bird's nests."

Hoshino shook his head, "I have no appetite."

"You haven't looked very good these days and your body is relatively weak. Please drink some."

Hoshino raised his eyes, and Cesare nodded to her, indicating that she should drink a little for the sake of the child.

Helping, she could only reach out and take it, and put it into her mouth one by one.

Xiaoguai looked at a loss. He looked at Hoshino and then at Cizer, not understanding what their eyes were communicating with.

 “Brother Cesar, is your sister sick?”


 “Then why did you...”

“Shh.” César put her index finger in front of her thin lips, signaling her to stop talking.

Xiaoguai snorted and drank the bird's nest silently.

After Hoshino went back to the bedroom to rest, Xiaoguai pestered Cizer, sat astride his lap, held his handsome face with his two little paws, and ravaged him mischievously, "What happened to my sister? Tell Xiaoguai, hurry up." Tell Xiaoguai."

“He Xiaoxi, are you making trouble again?”

“Just make a fuss, who told you not to tell Xiaoguai, but you have to hide it from Xiaoguai?”

She is not stupid. There are emotions in her eyes that she cannot understand.

César took her paws away, pressed her little head on his chest, and stroked her head with one hand, "Be good, I won't tell you because there is no need to tell you yet. Sister is really not sick. Don’t worry blindly.”

 “Is it true?” Xiaoguai was still full of doubts.

Sister is not sick, so why does she look in a bad mental state?

 Why...she looks depressed?

 Didn’t something happen?


 He lowered his head and placed a kiss on the top of her hair with his thin lips, "If you feel bored, you can go and play with Kelly."

Xiao Guai poked his hard chest with her index finger, "Don't you dislike Kelly?"

 “I don’t like her because she always teaches you bad things.”

 “Then why do you still let me play with Kelly?”

Cesare raised his eyebrows and said, "She is your friend, isn't she?"

This little fool doesn't have many friends, but Kelly is her best friend, so she can't talk to anyone.


The little boy immediately withdrew from his arms and picked up the phone with excitement, "Then little boy, call Kelly and ask her to play with her."


Watching Xiaoguai leave, Cesar rubbed his forehead tiredly, and walked over step by step from the other side of the sofa, "Meow."

 Cesare smiled and hugged Guaguai into his arms, "Baby, do you want to stay at home?"

Huddled up into a ball obediently in his arms.

 “Okay, I’ll take you to the company.”

The bodyguard immediately prepared a car and went to the Onassis Group.


Xiaoguai and Kelly made an appointment for afternoon tea.

In the beautiful and elegant hotel restaurant, Kelly let out a scream.


 The screams attracted a lot of attention.

Xiao Guai immediately reached out to cover her mouth and lowered her voice, "In public places, pay attention to the impact."

Kelly patted her hard, and finally broke her hand away, "My dear, are you really... with César?"

 (End of this chapter)

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