Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3211: Little boy, be good

Chapter 3211: Little boy, be good

 “Kelly, I’m going too.”

“No, little dear, please chat with your cousin for a while. I’ll be back soon.”

"No." Xiaoguai puffed up her cheeks, she was not stupid.

Kelly is obviously feeling guilty and about to run away!

How embarrassing it would be to let her slip away at this time and leave her and Caesar here.

Xiao Guai was determined not to let her go, even to the death.

“Little boy, be good... let go.” Kelly touched her soft cheek, pinched it, and coaxed her like a child.

Xiaoguai shook his head, "Don't let go."

Kelly: “…”

 This child!

 Why is it so hard to be deceived?

What a headache!

After sitting down angrily, Kelly intentionally or unintentionally created a topic for the two of them, "By the way, little darling, didn't you say you wanted to travel last time? My cousin recently developed a travel project, why don't we go over and have some fun? "

Caesar raised his lips and smiled, with a hint of endearment, "Do you want to play, little darling?"

 “Well…it’s better not to give it up.”

It doesn’t take much to think about it, but Brother Cizer will definitely not agree.

 She was already surprised that he took the initiative to ask her to hang out with Kelly today.

   If you push yourself too far and go on a trip with Kelly Caesar, Brother Cesar will definitely strangle her to death.


Kelly was still encouraging her, "Just play for two days, there's nothing wrong with it. My dear, it's settled, let's go and play together for two days!"

 “Kelly, you can’t.”

"Afraid that your brother Cesar will be angry?" Kelly came closer to her and whispered: "My dear, although you are together, don't forget it. You are always an independent individual. You can do whatever you want. No. Who needs to be restrained? If in the name of being together, you are restrained so that she cannot truly be herself, then there is no need to be together. Do you understand? "

Xiaoguai looked confused, "It's so profound."

   …”Kelly, died.

Caesar shook his head helplessly and laughed. He knew what his cousin was like.

 At this moment, I must be encouraging Xiaoguai.

 There is a strong attitude of refusing to give up until the goal is achieved.

Worried that the little boy couldn't withstand her torture, Caesar said softly, "Okay Kelly, don't talk about the wind and the rain. The little boy may not have time. It's not too late to go when you have time."

 “Cousin…” Kelly protested.

Who is she racking her brains for?

 It’s not just so that he can poach!

It really failed her all the hard work!


  In the evening, Cesare left the Onassis Group.

As soon as I got in the car, I thought of Xiaoguai.

 He took out his mobile phone and made a call to Xiaoguai.

 “Brother Cesar~” Xiaoguai’s brisk voice came from the other end.

 Soft, sweet.

 The sweet smell of being immersed in love.

 “How was your time with Kelly?”

  "Very good, by the way, brother Cesar!" Xiaoguai changed the topic, "Xiaoguai is having dinner at Kelly's house tonight, so I won't go back. I'll go back after dinner."

  Cesare: “…”

 “Hey, hey, hey? Brother Cizer, are you listening?”

"What time is it?"


 Cesare frowned, "What time do you go home?"

"Probably... around eight or nine o'clock, I'm not sure."

 I knew Kelly would definitely teach her bad things.

Cesare sighed almost inaudibly, "Come back soon."


  After hanging up the phone, Cesar pinched Guaiguai’s pink flesh pad and said, “Your master is not obedient at all.”

 (End of this chapter)

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