Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3218: in argument?

Chapter 3218: Quarrel?

Xiao Guai was very excited, "I have thought clearly, no matter how hard or tiring I am, I am not afraid!"

 The whole day, Xiaoguai didn’t contact Cizer.

  In the evening, Cizer left the company and called her.

No one answered the phone.

He called the Onassis Castle and learned from the housekeeper that she had gone out this morning and left after he went to the company.

 Walking around, I contacted the bodyguard who was following Xiaoguai.

The bodyguard said, "Master Cizer, the good little lady is learning how to make desserts."

"give me the address."

 “Yes, Master Cizer!”

 Catherine asked Xiaoguai to learn from the basics, starting with beating egg whites with bare hands. She spent the whole day beating egg whites.

 His arms were numb from the beating and so sore that he could hardly lift them.

 Leaving Catherine's private dessert shop, Xiaoguai saw a familiar motorcade at a glance.

 She ran forward excitedly, "Brother Cesar!"

César pushed the door open and got out of the car, catching her firmly, "Why are you here?"

“Xiao Guai wants to learn how to make desserts, and Kelly’s cousin is willing to teach Xiao Guai.”

Kelly Kelly, it’s Kelly again!

Cesare felt irritated. Last night she had dinner with Kelly Caesar, and she came back drunk.

 Today, I got involved with Kelly’s cousin again.

César put her in the car and said, "You don't have to come tomorrow."

Xiao Guai's smile suddenly stiffened, "What, what do you mean?"

César looked straight ahead, his voice condensed a bit, "Literally."

 “Xiaoguai doesn’t understand…”

 What do you mean you won’t come tomorrow?

Don’t he like her learning to make desserts?


 It’s rare to have something you like, something that interests you, and can develop into a career. Why can’t you do it?

 She doesn’t want to be a person who only relies on others to survive forever.

That would make her extremely depressed and make her feel like a useless person.

“What do you want to learn, you can tell me directly and I will find a teacher for you, do you understand?”

Xiao Guai's face suddenly turned pale, and she clenched her fingers slightly, "Xiao Guai didn't want to trouble you with anything... so I went to find it myself. If you are angry, Xiao Guai will apologize to you."


 That’s not what he was angry about at all!

Hand on his forehead with one hand, he pursed his thin lips and said, "Don't say anything, go home."

Xiaoguai felt that he was wronged and had no idea what he had done wrong.

 She turned her head and looked at the flashing neon lights outside the car window, feeling her mood sink to the bottom.

Along the way, the two of them remained silent.

 Back at Onassis Castle, Xiao Guai got out of the car first and walked directly indoors without looking back at him.

Cesare also pursed his lips and remained silent, following behind her without calling her out.

 In the hall, Hoshino sat on the sofa with Guaiguai in his arms, lost in thought, not knowing what he was thinking.

"elder sister."

Xiaoguai ran forward quickly.

Hoshino raised his eyes and smiled slightly, "The little boy is back."

“Sister.” Xiaoguai sniffed aggrievedly, sat down next to her, held her arm, and rested his head on her shoulder.

 I am full of grievances and want to talk about it.

 César stepped into the room and saw this scene. He looked away slightly and asked the butler, "Is dinner ready?"

“Master Cesare, dinner is ready. The eldest lady said that we will wait until you and the little girl come back.”

 Cesare nodded lightly, unbuttoned two shirt buttons with one hand, "Let's have dinner."

  Perceiving something was wrong between the two of them, Hoshino let go of Guaiguai and pinched Xiaoguai's cheek, "Did you have a fight?"

 (End of this chapter)

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