Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3225: Kiss me and I won’t laugh at you

Chapter 3225: Kiss me and I won’t laugh at you

Cesare's eyes narrowed, and a faint smile appeared on his thin lips.

Picked up the coffee she had brewed and took a sip, her dark eyes knowing a bit.

Xiao Guai looked forward to it, "President, how does it taste?"

Cesare frowned slightly, with an expression that didn't taste good.

 “What, doesn’t it taste good?”

Xiao Guai came closer and asked eagerly. The tension and worry in his eyes were deeply reflected in his eyes.

 “Do you want to try it?”

César brought the coffee to her lips. Xiaoguai took a sip from his hand and thought about it carefully, "It tastes good."

At the position he had drank, Szer took a sip and squeezed his head gently, "It's delicious."

Xiao Guai sat down opposite him, holding his chin in his hands, blinking at him with clear black and white watery eyes: "Brother Cesar, please give me a job."


“Yes, can Xiaoguai work in the company?”

 “Be my secretary.” Cizer raised his lips and smiled, his eyes darkening.

Xiao Guai looked confused, "But Xiao Guai only knows how to make coffee, make tea, and copy documents..."

After thinking about it carefully, she still shook her head violently, "No, no, no, no, not a secretary."

"why not?"

 Cesare tapped the table with one hand, and there was a hint of evil on his handsome face, "I think the secretary is quite good."

"Not good, not good."


Xiaoguai frowned, looking confused, "Why are you always obsessed with the secretary?"

 “Want to know?”

Xiaoguai nodded.

The man hooked his hand, and the little boy stood up and walked around the desk to come to him.

“Isn’t it good to be a secretary? You can always be by my side and you can see me all the time.”

Xiao Guai was confused at first and didn’t understand.

After all, he was playing with the dirty girl Kelly. Soon, Xiaoguai realized what he was doing.

  Her pretty face started to heat up, and she slapped him twice angrily, "You are evil!"

"Hit the president?" Cesare raised her chin frivolously, narrowing her narrow eyes slightly, "New secretary, do you want to rebel?"

 “You’re the one I’m going to hit, you bad guy!”

Xiao Guai clenched her fists and punched him randomly on the chest.

 The man laughed in a low voice, his laughter was as mellow as the aged wine, intoxicating.

 “Brother Cesar, you are so bad! Don’t laugh!”

The little boy's face was crimson, and he was extremely shy, but he was still smiling. He was already thin-skinned, and now his ears began to turn pink.

“Before you tell me not to laugh, you have to give me some benefit so that I can listen to you, right?”

 “Really?” he asked eagerly.

 Cesare nodded with a smile.

"Okay." Xiaoguai nodded his head obediently, thinking that what he said made sense, "Then what benefits do you want?"

 “Think for yourself.”

Think about it yourself?

 Okay, just think about it yourself.

Xiaoguai rubbed his chin with one hand, "Give you money?"

 “I am not lacking.”

 “Tell you a joke?”


 “If you don’t say anything, will you take it as your acquiescence?”

Xiao Guai clapped his hands excitedly, "That's it, let me tell you a joke!"

 “That’s it?” Cizer looked dissatisfied.

The sun shines in from the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the huge office is filled with bright golden light.

It also coated his whole body with a layer of dazzling golden light.

Xiao Guai was stunned and nodded blankly, "That's it."

 Cesare raised his forehead and said, "Okay, you go ahead and tell me."

Let’s just make a joke, otherwise what else can we do?

I hope her little brain can get along with her in a good way.

 (End of this chapter)

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