Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3242: Dinner together tonight?

Chapter 3242 Dinner together in the evening?

Going into the bathroom, in the mirror, the man's newly awakened face looked a bit gloomy.

He raised his eyes, glanced at himself expressionlessly, and pulled his lips to laugh at himself.

Chao Lu never expected that when she arrived at the company early in the morning, she would suddenly receive good news.

 This good news came from heaven for her!

“Chaolu, the president is going on a business trip, and you will accompany him.”

 “Am I accompanying you?”

 “Yes, do you have any questions?” the general assistant asked in a formulaic manner.

Chaolu couldn’t calm down her excitement, “Do you know where I can go on a business trip?”

 “Go to City J.”

"Okay, I understand. I have no objections and will obey the company's arrangements." After hanging up the phone, Chao Lu was still immersed in joy.

He buried his face in his hands, feeling so excited that he wanted to scream.

 She can go on a business trip with Xing Zong!

This is like a dream, unbelievable!

 The excitement lasted until the next day, when the general assistant informed her that she could go directly to the airport and wait for the president at the airport.

Chaolu arrived at the airport on time. After waiting for a while, she saw the Shangguan family's exclusive motorcade slowly approaching.

The man in black got out of the car and opened the door respectfully.

The noble and handsome man got out of the car.

 Seeing her, her **** thin lips curved into a smile, "Here it comes."

“President, good morning.” Chao Lu was cautious yet excited, with a dazzling smile on her face.

Xing Zong found it very interesting, nodded slightly, and entered the airport.

 Enter through the VIP channel and board the private jet.

Being able to have close contact with Xing Zong for a long time for the first time was a sudden surprise for Chao Lu.

Like a dream, too beautiful to be true.

 She followed Xing Zong and boarded the private plane.

 “Sit wherever you want.”

Xing Zong sat down first, and his assistant delivered the documents. Even on the plane, he still had to deal with heavy official matters.

Chao Lu didn’t dare to get too close to him, but she was extremely eager to get close to him, so she chose a seat a little further away and sat down.

His three-dimensional and deep profile can be seen from behind.

 After a two-hour flight, we arrived in J City.

 The group left the airport and headed to their hotel.

"Miss Chaolu." After getting off the car, Xingzong looked at her with a deep gaze, "If you don't mind, would you like to have dinner together tonight?"

 “Of course I don’t mind!” she answered quickly and urgently.

 Suddenly, she suddenly blushed again, and a crimson blush appeared on her face, which was actually a bit cute.

"Okay, I'll let my assistant make arrangements. You can make your own arrangements for today's schedule. Just make time to have dinner with me in the evening."

Free arrangement?

 Isn’t she accompanying him on a business trip?

 Does it mean...she doesn't have a job?

 Back in the room, Chao Lu fell on the bed, feeling a little dizzy.

 An extremely bold conjecture emerged in his mind, and within two seconds, he quickly rejected it.


 You must be thinking too much.

 How could the CEO like her?

 Chao Lu patted her face and asked herself to wake up. Being able to contact him was already a great surprise for her.

 Don’t dare to expect too much.

 Don’t expect too much.

 She doesn’t deserve it.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chao Lu received a call from the general assistant, asking her to go to the restaurant downstairs of the hotel and stating that the president had arrived.

Chao Lu looked at herself in the mirror and saw that her appearance was fine before she left the room.

 At the restaurant downstairs, as soon as Chao Lu arrived, he was led to the location of Xing Zong by the messenger.


Chao Lu smiled slightly, her palms so nervous that they became sweaty.

The temperature in J City is hot. Chaolu is wearing a light apricot-colored skirt, the length of which is just right to reveal her fair and slender ankles.

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 (End of this chapter)

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