Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3245: My child is not good

 Chapter 3245 My child is not well-behaved

 Having vomited so much, my stomach should be empty by now.

If she doesn't eat something to cushion her stomach, I'm afraid her body won't be able to bear it.

Hoshino didn’t have much appetite. She glanced at the soup from which the fat had been removed and nodded gently, “Let’s leave it for now.”


 “I’ll drink it later.”

The servant stopped trying to persuade him, "Okay."

Just after sitting down for a while, a feeling of nausea and vomiting came over me again.

Hoshino stood up and ran quickly to the bathroom, and the servant followed him worriedly.


  vomited until the sky was dark.

Hoshino sighed and was carefully helped out of the bathroom by the servant.

 She leaned on the sofa and gently stroked her lower abdomen with one hand. Is pregnancy always so painful?

Lowering his eyes, Hoshino's brows flashed with slight annoyance, his lips pursed slightly, and he murmured softly: "Why are you so naughty?"


Gaiguai, who has grown up a lot, shook his fluffy and shiny hair and walked slowly.

It stood next to Hoshino, looking up at her with its furry head.

  “My dear, I don’t have the strength to hold you.”


Standing obediently for a while, he obediently lay down next to her, touching her lightly with the pink flesh pad.

Hoshino rested for a while, and after the servant’s persuasion, he drank a bowl of soup.

 Very light soup, without any meaty smell, and the fat has been removed.

 Drinking a bowl of soup made my stomach feel better.

She stroked Guaiguai's furry head with one hand, looking at a certain place, in a daze.

  In the evening, Cesare returned to the castle and asked the servant, "Where is my sister?"

 “The eldest lady is resting in the bedroom upstairs.”

 “Is she okay?” Cesare looked anxious.

The servant shook his head, "The eldest lady vomited many times today. At first, she could still drink some soup. But later, she couldn't even drink the soup, and she would vomit as soon as she drank it."

so serious?

 Cesare unbuttoned his cufflinks and hurried upstairs.

 Gently pushing the bedroom door open, César came to the bedside. Hoshino was still resting, his face so pale that there was no trace of blood.

 There is also a faint gray under the eyelids.

 It can be seen that her sleep quality is not good.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Cesare sighed, this child finally decided to stay, why not be more sensible?

 If you keep tossing your mommy like this, your uncle will beat you up.

Hoshino, who was sleeping lightly, slowly opened her eyes and saw Cesare. She smiled and said, "You are back, Cesare."

“Sister, I heard from the servant that you vomited for a few days. Do you have an appetite now? Is there anything you particularly want to eat?”

Hoshino was indeed hungry. He had vomited so many times and there was no food in his stomach. He felt extremely hungry.

 “Want to eat something sour.”

"Okay, I'll let the servant prepare." Cizer asked softly, "Are you tired? Do you want to rest for a while?"

 “No, I can’t sleep.”

Helping her to stand up, Hoshino felt a little aggrieved. He raised his eyes with confusion flashing in his eyes, "Is pregnancy so painful for women?"

César thought for a while, "Not necessarily, it varies from person to person. Some people don't suffer from morning sickness during pregnancy and have a good appetite, while some people vomit whatever they eat."

 “Was mom like this back then?”

César chuckled softly, "No, we were very good back then, and Mommy wasn't in much pain."

Hoshino lowered his head, pursed his lips, and said in annoyance, "That's because my child is not well-behaved."

 Not well-behaved.

 Must be like that guy Rong Yin.

The genes were led astray by him.

  Cesare: “…”

 (End of this chapter)

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