Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3255: My dear, are you afraid?

Chapter 3255: Little boy, are you afraid?

 “Is your daddy the president?”

 “Not the president, but he is…”

Gemma was anxious to reveal her identity, but the man interrupted impatiently: "If you're not the president, just shut up."

The atmosphere is abnormally condensed.

Xiao Guai didn't know what he wanted to do. He stood aside and saw Gemma's fearful look. She wanted to speak several times, but she didn't have the courage to disobey Cizer.

 Gemma's eyes were vicious, as if she wanted to kill her.

That's right. She was originally the best among Mena's students.

  is also the one that attracts the most attention and is the most favored.

 The appearance of Xiaoguai broke the existing situation. She successfully stole all Gemma's eyes and focus of attention.

 Meina’s cultivation of her was different from that of her students.

The proud and arrogant Gemma couldn't bear such treatment, so she impulsively did such a thing in anger.

 It's just that I want Xiaoguai's hand to be injured and he won't be able to play the piano for a while.

She never expected that Xiao Guai, who looked weak and could be bullied, would have such a terrifying man as his backer.

 I wanted to teach her a lesson, but I didn’t expect that I would hit a brick wall.

The bodyguard brought two basins, one filled with scalding boiling water and the other filled with scalding hot oil.

From a distance, Gemma could feel the heat radiating out, how scorching it was.

Her eyes widened in horror, her head kept shrinking back, "You...what do you want to do?"

 “Give you two choices, water or oil, choose one of the two.”

César lazily held Xiaoguai's slender waist, "Choose water and put down both hands. Choose oil and you are allowed to put down only one hand."

 “ must be crazy!”

What can she do if she puts her hand down on the basin of boiling oil?

Hands are fried!

 The scalding boiling water, when her hand was put down, was as good as useless.

 Jemma cried loudly, with tears streaming down her face, "Help...let me out, Daddy, help!"

 “Even if the president comes today, he can’t save you!” Cizer didn’t like nonsense.

 Before giving the order, he still considered Xiaoguai's timidity.

 “Little dear, are you afraid?”

The little boy who was being questioned had a very pale face. He just saw the two basins of water and oil and his whole body felt bad.

 Knowing that he would definitely punish Jima, he just didn't expect that the method would be so cruel.

The little boy's face was tense, and his whole body was as stiff as a fully drawn bow.

  “Little boy?” Cesare patted her cheek.

The little boy rolled his eyes and focused on his face, "Brother Cesar, can you... forget it?"


César rubbed her face with one hand, "Being kind to the enemy is cruel to yourself. If you let her go this time, she may not be grateful, but will only hate you even more. Next time, if there is another chance, she will not do it again Leave you no chance of survival."

  “…will it?”

Xiaoguai asked naa.

Gemma cried fiercely, "No, I can't. Please let me go... I still have my hands to play the piano. He Xi, you know how important the hands are to a piano player... Without hands , my life will be ruined..."


Cesaire's eyes flashed with a cold light and he kicked him away.

  Jima fell down heavily, including herself and the chair.

"Your hands are important, but Xiaoguai's hands are not important? This time she was lucky enough to escape, but what about next time? Isn't your original intention just to destroy her hands?"

 (End of this chapter)

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