Chapter 3279: Flesh and Blood

Chao Lu was stunned by the roar, forgetting to even struggle, her wrists were restrained by him, as if they would be broken at any time.

"I... will abort the child, don't worry."

Xing Chi's heart suddenly sank, and his blood gradually became cold.

 She really...wanted to abort the child.

Xingchi nodded slowly, with a pair of cold eyes, his eyes became even colder, "Very good."

very good.

 He only said two words, then turned and left.

Xing Zong was about to knock on the door, but the door suddenly opened, startling him. He looked inside the room, "What's wrong with Chao Lu?"

Xingchi slammed the door loudly and left angrily.

 “Xingchi, stop!”

This time, no one could stop him.

Xingzong looked at the closed door, then at Xingchi's leaving figure, and finally took steps to catch up.

 In the quiet apartment, Chao Lu seemed to have been drained of all her strength, her legs weakened and she fell to the ground.

Hand held his collar tightly with one hand, his breathing seemed to be stifled.

She panted hard and sat quietly for a while. Then she suddenly rushed into the bedroom like crazy.

 I opened the closet, packed a few sets of clothes and stuffed them into my suitcase. I took my ID and left immediately.

 Leave the imperial capital as quickly as possible.

 That night, Xingzong received news that Chaolu had gone to a few shows and booked a flight to J city.

"Why is Zhaolu going to J City?" Xing Zong tapped the table in confusion. J City is not a tourist city.

  She has few friends or relatives in J City, so it is really strange to suddenly go to J City.

“Master Xingzong, do you want to continue to follow Miss Chaolu?”

After thinking about it again and again, Xingzong slowly shook his head, "No need."

 After Chaolu aborted the children, she had nothing to do with them at all.

 Such an unpleasant thing happened, she must not want to see either him or Xingchi again.

 Forget it, let her life get back on track.


 Golden Wing Palace, bar.

Xingchi was sitting on the bar drinking wine when another hot woman approached him and tried to chat with him, intending to put her hand on his shoulder.

Before his hand even touched his shoulder, he was waved away mercilessly.

The manager watched helplessly as the woman's expression suddenly changed, and she left with a look of pain on her face.

 “Give me wine.”

Xingchi slapped the wine glass **** the bar.

The bartender was about to get the wine when the manager came up. He smiled respectfully and began to persuade, "Young Master Xingchi, you drank a lot tonight. Drinking is harmful to your health. Why don't you stop drinking?"

The man who was already a little drunk had a somewhat coquettish charm on his handsome face.

He tugged on his **** thin lips, sneered, stretched out his long arm and grabbed the manager's collar, pulling him close.

The manager hurriedly put on a smile and said, "Young Master Xingchi, please calm down, please calm down."

“Drinking is harmful to your health?” Xing Chi chuckled slightly drunkenly, “Wine is a good thing, why can’t you drink it?”

"Young Master, that's not what I meant, I..." The manager looked helpless, but had to explain, "You have drunk too much tonight, you can't drink anymore."

 “Cut the nonsense.”

 Xingchi pushed him away, "Pour me some wine!"

The bartender looked at the manager in fear and asked him to make up his mind.

 What else can be done?

 If he wants to drink, of course let him drink.

The young master has always had a bad temper. He has already said what needs to be said. The manager does not want to cause trouble for himself.

 Another night of sleeping with alcohol.

 This night, Xingchi had a nightmare.

 In the dream, his little child was killed by a cold knife, and his flesh and blood were mutilated.

 (End of this chapter)

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