Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3306: He has a girlfriend

 Chapter 3306 He has a girlfriend

 “I went to the kitchen to eat, and the master and the servant ate without sharing the same table. I knew that.”

 She knows that these top wealthy families have many rules.

 So, she was very self-aware and carried her rice bowl into the kitchen.


Chaolu looked puzzled.

 “I have something to tell you.”

 “Oh.” Chao Lu sat down at the dining table.

Xingchi was not in a hurry to speak and ate slowly. Chaolu held it in for a long time before asking, "What do you want to say to me?"

 “The soup is weak.”

 Chaolu: “…”

 For the sake of 20,000 yuan, she endured it.

 After swallowing the food in her mouth, she asked carefully, "Tell me what you have taboos and what you like to eat."

“Well, let the secretary make a list for you later.”

 Chao Lu nodded, this was the best way to avoid making mistakes and cooking something he didn’t like.

What should I do if he refuses to pay me in anger?

 After eating and drinking a cup of tea, Xingchi got up to leave.

Chaolu stood up and said, "Um... do you want to eat tomorrow?"

Xing Chi paused and said, "Make dinner."


 Leaving the apartment, Xing Chi raised a smile on his lips and left in a happy mood.


 The next day, early in the morning.

Chaolu received a call from Xingchi’s secretary.

“Miss Chaolu, I have made a list of the vice president’s taboo foods and favorite foods. Shall I send it to your mobile phone, or what?”

 “Just send it to me.”

“Okay, please check it later.”

Chao Lu sat up, her sleepiness disappearing, "Thank you."

 “You’re welcome, this is what I should do.”

  Hang up the phone, Chao Lu stretched lazily, got up and washed up.

 Having a simple breakfast, Chaolu planned to take a walk in the garden downstairs.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw an elegant woman standing at the door, dressed in a noble and extraordinary dress.

Zhao Zhile pressed the password. No, she was confused and wanted to ring the doorbell, and the door opened from the inside.

 Seeing a strange woman, she was stunned for a few seconds, "Hello, who are you?"

"I am Chao Lu, the new tenant here." Chao Lu smiled slightly, "Are you looking for someone?"

  New tenant?

Have you rented out the apartment?

 When did it happen? Why didn’t she know?

With a faint smile, Zhao Zhile said, "I found the wrong person, sorry."

 Turn around and leave.

  She took out her mobile phone and called Yi Ran.

Chao Lu looked at her leaving figure with confusion on her face. Did she find the wrong person?

  Why doesn’t it look like it?

After entering the elevator, Zhao Zhile asked, "Have you rented out the apartment in Lanshan Wangjing?"

“Sister, have you gone to the apartment?”

“Well, I also met your new tenant.” Zhao Zhile said with a playful smile.

His new tenant is clearly Xingchi’s new tenant.


  She is clearly the mother of Xing Chi’s child.

“Sister, this is a long story, please listen to my explanation.”

Coming out of the elevator, Zhile walked directly to his RV. The bodyguard had already opened the door and made a respectful gesture of invitation.

She said with a smile, "I will go home for dinner tonight, and you should come back early. It has been a long time since our family had a good meal together."

"okay, I get it."

 Hang up the phone, Zhao Zhile rubbed his forehead tiredly.

A faint smile appeared on his lips. He had grown up and already had a girlfriend.

  No longer like the little guy who cried for his sister to hug or play with her when he was a child.

very nice.

In the evening, before six o'clock, Gu Yiran returned to the Gu family manor early.

 (End of this chapter)

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