Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3346: Let her give up

Chapter 3346 Let her give up


Xiao Tuanzi raised his two little arms in unparalleled cooperation, hugged her neck when she leaned over, and chewed on her face.

  With her soft kiss, her heart will melt.

Xiaoguai came up and kissed Xiaotuanzi's soft cheek, "Hey, my aunt loves you~"

Xiaotuanzi smiled shyly and fell into Xuetuan's arms.

“Little dear, if you’re too tired, go and have a rest first and have a good sleep.”

Xiaoguai is extremely well-behaved, "Xiaoguai understands, sister."

 In the children's room, only Xuetuan and her daughter were left.

She lowered her head, looked at Xiaotuanzi’s big, flashing eyes, and pinched her soft little face, “What are you looking at?”

"Auntie." Xiao Tuanzi pointed to the direction where Xiao Guai left just now, with a slight pout on his mouth, "Not happy."

“You can also see that my aunt is unhappy?”

Xiaotuanzi nodded seriously.

Xue Tuan curled his lips and smiled slightly, "You can see it already, can't Mommy not see it?"

Xiaotuanzi grinned, threw herself into her arms, and nuzzled her affectionately, "Mommy, you're smart."

“Of course, otherwise, how could I have given birth to such a smart little baby like you?”

Xiao Tuanzi tilted his head, innocent and cheerful, "Xiao Tuanzi is also smart!"

“Let’s go and play again tomorrow. Let’s go downstairs and have afternoon tea now.” Xue Tuan carried Xiao Tuanzi downstairs and sat down on the sofa.

The servant has prepared afternoon tea, Xiaotuanzi is eating strawberries, and Xuetuanzi picks up the mobile phone and calls Cizer.

 “Cesare.” Xue Tuan’s voice was full of seriousness.

“Sister, what’s wrong?” Cizer’s hoarse voice came.

Xiaotuanzi came up curiously and crawled into Xuetuan's arms. Xuetuan put a hand against her, "What's going on between you and Xiaoguai? Why does she look so bad?"

 “What’s going on?”

"Still pretending to be stupid?" Xuetuan said sternly: "Don't tell me, Xiaoguai made lunch for you and sent it to your company today, but you didn't see her?"

There was silence on the other end for a long time.


 “I saw it, what next?”


Xue Tuan took a deep breath and exhaled it slowly. Xiao Tuanzi frowned and wanted to crawl into her arms. She snatched the strawberry from Xiao Tuanzi's hand and threw it into her mouth to eat.

Xiaotuanzi was stunned, his eyes quickly turned red, and he flattened his mouth in grievance: "Mommy is bad."

Xue Tuan was in a better mood, and she warned Cesar on the other end of the phone, "Cesare, I don't care what mood you are having with me, whether you are angry or angry. Whether you like it or not is up to you. I know best in my heart. If you like her, cherish her. There is no misunderstanding that cannot be solved. If you don’t like her, tell her as soon as possible so that she can give up. Our little girl is young and beautiful, and there are many suitors. "

 Cesare was silent for a while, "I understand."

 “Be back on time for dinner tonight.”

 “There’s a social event tonight.”

 Another excuse!

Xue Tuan was angry, and his voice was a bit colder, "I won't see you at seven o'clock tonight at the latest. Don't ever come back to this house."

 She hung up the phone, and Xiaotuanzi threw herself into her arms and protested aggrievedly: "Mommy is bad."

 “I’ll eat you a strawberry and you’ll be so angry?”

 “Bad guy.”

“You’re so stingy.” Xue Tuan pinched her cheek, “Mommy, I’ll give you two strawberries, okay?”

Xiaotuanzi immediately smiled cutely at her: "Okay~"

Xue Tuan is ashamed, he is so easy to coax, what will he do if he is coaxed by a bad man in the future?

 (End of this chapter)

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