Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3358: I want a kiss too, little darling

Chapter 3358: The little boy wants a kiss too

Hello greetings come and go.

 The little dumpling being held in his arms looked curiously with a pair of black and white eyes.

The cute little thing carved in pink and jade that looked like a snow dumpling immediately attracted everyone’s attention.

Xiao Tuanzi waved his little hand cutely, and Cesare helplessly laughed in a low voice, "Okay, we should go upstairs."

 The moment the elevator door closed, Xiaotuanzi was still waving.

 Many female staff members waved to her.

Back in the office, Cizer put the little dumpling on the sofa, and the toys that the bodyguard brought were also placed on the sofa for her to play with.

Xiaoguai raised his head and asked pitifully, "Brother Cizer, where is Xiaoguai's toy?"

 “What toys do you have?”



 “You.” Xiaoguai looked into his eyes and said seriously.

  Cesare: “…”

 Looking away, he coughed slightly, and he leaned over and pinched Xiaotuanzi's cheek, "Uncle is going to a meeting, Xiaotuanzi is playing with auntie, be good, okay?"

 Xiaotuanzi nodded obediently.

 “Be good.” Cesare kissed her on the forehead.

Just as he was about to leave, someone grabbed his arm. Xiaoguai pouted and said angrily, "I want to kiss you, too."

 “Don’t make trouble.”

"No, Xiaoguai wants it too." Xiaoguai nodded, "You can't favor one over the other. If Xiaotuanzi has it, Xiaoguai should have it too."


"Otherwise, you can just let me kiss you."

  Obviously, the tone is that there is no room for discussion.

 Cesare was silent for a moment, then turned to look at the cute little dumpling, "Little dumpling, cover your eyes."

“Oh.” Xiaotuanzi obeyed the instructions and covered his eyes with his two little hands, “Uncle, cover it~”

 Cesare leaned over and kissed the little boy on the forehead like a dragonfly touching water.

 Immediately, he got up and left.

Xiaotuanzi asked cutely, "Uncle, are you okay?"

"Okay, Xiaotuanzi!" Xiaoguai took Xiaotuanzi's hand in a good mood and said with a smile: "Your uncle has gone to a meeting, let's play by ourselves."


 Cesare Today, there are two meetings.

 One in the morning and one in the afternoon. The lengthy meeting cannot be concluded without an hour or two.

 Fortunately, Xiaotuanzi is here, so Xiaoguai won’t be too bored by himself.

 She began to feel that she had misunderstood him?

 He brought Xiao Tuanzi over, not because he didn’t want to take care of her, but because he wanted Xiao Tuanzi to play with her so that she wouldn’t be too bored?

Thinking about this, Xiaoguai felt happy.

 It's like drinking a jar of honey, it's sweet.

After lunch, Xiaotuanzi was tired. César carried her into the lounge and laid her down.

 “Want to hear a story?” Cesare asked softly.

Xiaotuanzi nodded, rubbed his eyes with one hand, and said sleepily: "Yes."

Cesare took out his mobile phone, found a few children's stories, and started telling them to her.

  With a deep and magnetic voice, he told stories in a leisurely manner, attracting the little boys in the office.

She leaned against the door frame, watching this scene, and began to imagine in her mind that if they had children in the future, would he tell the children stories so gently?

Feeling her gaze, Cesare turned around and asked, "Want to rest?"

Xiaoguai nodded, César stood up and hugged her over.

 Her heartbeat was beating uncontrollably, and she blinked, "Brother Cesar, can you tell me a story too?"

He lowered his eyes, glanced at her, and placed her next to Xiaotuanzi, "You have taken advantage of Xiaotuanzi."

 (End of this chapter)

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