Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3362: Yu Xi, are you awake?

Chapter 3362 Yu Xi, are you awake?

Facing his son's smiling face, Xingchi couldn't bear to blame him at this moment, no matter how much he wanted to blame.

Xingchi looked at his tired look and stroked his face with one hand, "Why don't you lie down on the bed when you're tired?"

Came to the bedside, leaned over and put him on the bed. Xingchi took off his shoes and lay down beside him. He supported his head with one hand and looked at him with a hint of warmth in his deep cold eyes.

Yu Xi lowered his eyes and muttered, "Yu Xi...I'm afraid I'll fall asleep."


 “If you fall asleep... you won’t be able to wait for daddy.”

Xingchi touched his head, lay down, held Yu Xi in his arms, patted his back with one hand, "Go to sleep, dad will stay with you."

Yu Xi grinned and nodded with satisfaction, "Yeah!"

Perhaps he was really sleepy, because within a short while, Yu Xi fell asleep on his chest.

The little face was pressed against his chest, slightly deformed by the squeeze, and the flesh was plump, which was really cute.

 The rain outside the window shows no signs of decreasing and will not stop for a while.

 Looks like I can’t leave tonight.

 Xingchi turned off the light, hugged Yu Xi and slowly closed his eyes.

the next morning.

 After the rain, it will be sunny.

Yu Xi was woken up by the ringing of his cell phone. He opened his eyes in a daze and saw Xingchi.

Xingchi was holding the phone in one hand and was about to hang up when he saw Yu Xi waking up.

 “Did Dad wake you up?”

Yu Xi nodded in confusion, and then lay on his chest again.

 “Continue to sleep.” Xingchi touched his head and hung up the phone.

 Half an hour later, Yu Xi woke up again.

 He raised his head and saw that Xingchi was already awake, and grinned, "Good morning, Dad."

 “Good morning, Yu Xi.”

Yu Xi shyly stretched out his little neck and kissed him softly on the face. Xingchi's thin lips were slightly curved with a smile.

 The sound of footsteps was heard in the corridor.

Chaolu knocked on the door, "Yuxi, are you awake?"

 Soon, the bedroom door was pushed open.

Chao Lu woke up early in the morning and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After making breakfast, she asked Yu Xi to get up and wash up. Unexpectedly, she would see Xing Chi here.

She was stunned for a moment and then said: "Yu Xi, it's time to get up and have breakfast. Mom is waiting for you outside."

After saying that, he walked out and closed the door behind him.

Before Yu Xi could say hello, the door was closed.

He puffed up his cheeks and grabbed Xingchi's hand with his little hand, "Dad, is mom angry?"

“Why do you ask?” Xingchi hugged Yu Xi and got out of bed and entered the bathroom.

  Put him on a chair, give him excellent toothpaste and some water. Then Xing Chi opens the washroom cabinet, takes out new toothbrushes, and starts washing.

In the mirror, father and son are almost identical.

Yu Xi’s mouth was full of bubbles, and he said vaguely: “Yu Xi thinks… mom is angry.”

Xingchi raised his eyebrows slightly, noncommittal.

 After washing up, Xingchi changed clothes for Xiao Yuxi. To a certain extent, Xingchi was a good father.

 He responded to Yu Xi's requests.

Hooking Yu Xi's hand, Chao Lu came out of the children's room and sat in the living room with a glass of warm water in her hand, sipping it slowly.

Yu Xi broke away from Xingchi's hand and ran towards Chaolu, "Mom, good morning."

Hands resting on Chaolu's knees, he raised his little head with a bright smile on his face.

Chaolu stopped to drink water. She put down the water glass and touched his face. It was obvious that he was very happy.

 “Breakfast is already prepared, let’s go have breakfast.”

 (End of this chapter)

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