Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3366: Forgive Xiaoguai this time

Chapter 3366: Forgive me this time

César's face turned gloomy. Who else could it be, besides her so-called good friend William?

  Sensing Cizer's displeased gaze, Xiaoguai immediately took out his cell phone, took a look at it, and shook the phone at Cizer with a smile on his face, "Grandpa's phone!"

 She answered the phone happily, "Grandpa."

“Little dear, why haven’t you called grandpa during this time?” General Xi’s voice came with a hint of resentment.

The little boy stuck out his tongue guiltily, and it wasn't because of Cizer.

Had he not ignored her and been angry with her, she wouldn't have been so sad for him that she forgot to contact her grandfather.

“Grandpa, Xiaoguai has just returned to country F. He has been holding a concert recently and has been too busy. So I don’t have time to call grandpa. Grandpa has a lot of money, so please forgive Xiaoguai this time, okay?”

 Two years ago, I heard that Xiaoguai wanted to learn piano. General Xi agreed and supported it very much.

His precious granddaughter should do whatever she wants to do, and he will support her unconditionally.

Besides, her starting point is also to hope that she can have a skill and be able to gain a foothold in this society without relying on anyone.

General Xi is very happy that Xiaoguai has such an idea.

 He heard that she had achieved some success and had many fans. She successfully held a solo concert and it was a complete success. He was very happy for her.

 Unfortunately, I cannot be there in person to hear her concert in person.

“Little dear, when will you come back to see grandpa?”

  After all, General Xi has not seen her for two years.

It had been two years since she left. General Xi endured his longing and supported and encouraged her unconditionally.

Now that she has achieved something, General Xi naturally hopes to meet her.

 Because of my special status, I cannot go abroad at will, let alone visit Xiaoguai.

Xiao Guai tilted his head and thought for a while, "Grandpa, Xiao Guai will go back to see you when you have time, okay?"

“Okay, okay, grandpa is waiting for you to come home.”

After hanging up the phone, Xiaoguai stretched out his hand, grabbed Cizer's sleeve, and whispered, "Brother Cizer, please accompany Xiaoguai home."

Cesare opened her hand with an expressionless expression, and ate gracefully, "Go back by yourself."

“Huh, little boy, go back by yourself and never come back again.”

 As soon as he finished speaking the angry words, he noticed that the man's aura had changed dramatically.

That cold breath is frightening.

Xiao Tuanzi stuck out his little head, patted the table with his little hands, and said in a cute voice, "Uncle."

César's cold eyes softened, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly: "What's the matter, little dumpling?"

Xiaotuanzi pointed to the bacon in front of him and opened his mouth, "Eat."

 “Want to eat?”

 Xiaotuanzi nodded.

 Cesare cut the bacon and fed it to her.

Xiao Guai felt jealous as she watched his arm pass in front of her to feed Xiaotuanzi.


 Bad guy!

 To be so gentle to Xiaotuanzi and so indifferent to her is so bad!

Xiao Guai lowered his head depressedly and ate breakfast in silence.

After breakfast, Xiao Guai turned around and was about to go upstairs, but Cesare stopped her: "Where are you going?"

"It has nothing to do with you." Xiaoguai stomped on the stairs angrily.

 The little dumpling grew up and said, " aunt is angry."

 Cesare put a hand on his forehead and smiled helplessly: "Yes."

 “Uncle, please.” Xiao Tuanzi clapped his hands and said excitedly.

Cesare pinched Xiaotuanzi’s cheek and said, “Let uncle coax her, eh?”

 (End of this chapter)

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