Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3390: Brother Cizer will definitely be angry

 Chapter 3390 Brother Cizer will definitely be angry

 The question of when he saw his mother was forgotten by him.


  Country F.

 Angela accepted a reality show for Xiaoguai. As a guest, she needed a day to record.

 At the same time, there were several other young talents in the entertainment industry and an actress who appeared on the show.

Reality shows revolve around themes, and the theme of this recorded episode is life exchange.

Taking male and female guests as an example, they exchange each other’s lives twenty-four hours a day.

 In recent years, reality TV shows have become popular and have become the fastest way to gain followers.

 The brokerage company also took a fancy to this and planned to open up the market for Xiaoguai and increase its popularity.

When Angela accepted this reality show, Xiaoguai didn't know about it. Xiaoguai only found out after signing the contract.

 She is not against it. Having a job is a good thing for her.

 It means that others recognize her and her work is valuable and meaningful.

 It's just that...Cesare doesn't agree with this matter.

 Exchanging lives, doesn’t it mean exchanging each other’s lives, living in each other’s homes, and doing each other’s work?

Xiao Guai bit her lip, huddled on the sofa, and complained on her cell phone: "Angela, you're done. Brother Cesar will definitely be angry."

 “Why, why?” Angela was also unsure.

 She is not taking care of an ordinary person, but the eldest daughter of a wealthy family.

 No, from now on she will be the young lady of a wealthy family.

"Brother Cesar doesn't like strangers coming to the house." Xiaoguai puffed up his cheeks, "Besides, my sister and Xiaotuanzi are both here. What if they are exposed?"

“Don’t worry, the program team will shoot in a specific area, and other places will not be involved.”

"Or not."

Cesaire values ​​privacy, how could it be possible for so many film crews to come in?

“But the contract has been signed. If I break the contract..."

 “How much compensation do you have to pay?”

 “Not much, more than six million in liquidated damages.”

Xiao Guai was immediately discouraged. More than six million is not much?

 For her who earns her own money, it is a large sum of money.

 “Where’s the reward?”

"After deducting taxes and company commissions from your remuneration, you can still receive more than four million yuan."

Xiao Guai's eyes widened instantly and he rubbed his hands excitedly, "Okay, no problem! I'll take the shot!"

 Angela: “…”

 Why does this young lady seem to have never seen money?

 Are you so excited when it comes to money?

  After hanging up the phone from Angela, the little boy ran upstairs, changed his clothes, asked the driver to prepare the car, and went straight to the Onassis Group.

Cesare was opening an account, and the secretary took her to the president's office and served her tea and fruit snacks.

Xiaoguai came to the desk and sat down, and saw several photos on the table, all of which were of hers.

 Suddenly, I felt happy.

 Hand out his hand, took the photo frame, looked at himself in the photo, and smiled stupidly.

"looking at what?"

César pushed the door open and saw her holding a photo frame with a look of concentration on her face.

 “Brother Cizer, have you finished the meeting?”

Xiao Guai put down the photo frame, ran up to him with brisk steps, put his arms around his neck, and hung his body on his body.

“You’re not practicing at home and you come to the company to find me?”

Xiao Guai raised her head, kissed him on his thin lips, and said softly, "Brother Cizer, Xiao Guai took over a job."

 “Isn’t this a good thing?”

He carried her to the desk and sat down, letting her sit on his lap. He pinched the soft flesh on her waist with one hand and played with it carelessly.

 (End of this chapter)

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