Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3396: Is your name Guaiguai?

Chapter 3396 Is your name Guaiguai?

 Everyone should hug her and hold her hand.

 At first, she could still maintain the perfect smile on her face, but gradually she couldn't hold it anymore.

There were so many people, some hugged her, some grabbed her hands, some pulled her clothes.

"Okay, everyone, be quiet!" Evely covered her head in collapse, "Can you be quiet for a moment?"

She doesn’t know how to play the piano, so the time she spends teaching the children how to play the piano turns into playing games with them.

 Playing a childish game, Eveli almost collapsed.

If there were no cameras following her, she would have left early in the morning.

 The two hours are over and I finally leave the orphanage.

In the car, the housekeeper handed her another piece of information and asked her to read it carefully: "Miss Eveli, these are the items and charity funds to be donated this quarter. In the past, Miss Guaiyi personally confirmed it. Since you and Xiaogui Good girl, swap lives, so today it’s up to you to make the decision.”

 “Okay, okay.” Eveli took the information and read it.

These donations include schools, teacher resources, school supplies, etc., a series of items, and a huge amount of money.

 Easily tens of millions.

 “Is this for a quarter?”

“Yes, Miss Little Guai loves children very much and has given more care and help to children in poor areas. From the time Miss Little Guai becomes an adult, she will spend a sum of money every year for charity.”

Eveli's smile was a little stiff. What was she doing? Did it highlight how kind He Xi was?

After a quick glance, Eveli nodded, "Let's do it."

"Okay." The butler's attitude was neither humble nor overbearing. After a while, he added: "Today it's time to take Guaiguai to the pet hospital for deworming. Miss Evely, do you think we should go now or after dinner?"

 “Be good?”

 The housekeeper explained, "Guaiguai is a pet cat raised by Master Cizer and Miss Guaiguai, named Guaiguai."

“Then go now.” Eveli smiled, already feeling deep contempt in her heart.

If a person has the same name as a pet, does he think of himself as an animal?

 Smiling contemptuously in her heart, Eveli closed her eyes and took a short rest.

The obedient personality was docile, and the man in black sent him obediently from the Olasses Castle. Evely saw his obedience, amazing, "too beautiful."

 The beauty of Ragdoll cats is unquestionable.

The bodyguard handed Guaiguai to Eveli and hugged Guaiguai. Eveli couldn't help but caressed it: "Your name is Guaiguai, right? Come on, I'll take you to deworm it."

Eveli wears perfume, which smells a bit strong.

 The boy who was being held in his arms suddenly moved uneasily and said, "Meow."

 “It’s so cute.” Eveli stroked Guaiguai’s head, not satisfied with this, and even squeezed its paws.

I don’t know what made Guaiguai angry. Guaiguai howled and scratched the back of her hand with his sharp claws.

 Suddenly, several traces of blood appeared.


Eveli was furious and subconsciously kicked Guaiguai out.


Gaiguai was thrown to the ground, rolled around twice, and let out a weak cry.

 The butler was horrified, "Be good!"

Eveli was startled, her face was pale, and she explained at a loss, "I...I didn't mean it, I just let go subconsciously."


 At 7:30 in the evening, Xiaoguai had already appeared at the banquet with his manager.

 This is a banquet in the entertainment industry, and those present are all the top names in the industry, famous directors and screenwriters, as well as investors and advertisers.

 (End of this chapter)

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