Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3406: She had already planned

 Chapter 3406 She had already planned it

Hunched the wall hard with his fist, his face turned gloomy to the extreme, "Damn it!"

How dare she take Yu Xi away!

 It seems that she has already planned it!

Xing Chi was furious, kicked the closet door shut, and walked out angrily, "Go and check right away, where Chao Lu took Yu Xi!"

“Yes, Master Xingchi.”

The more Xingchi thought about it, the more ironic she felt. She was busy with work and hoped to have a servant to accompany Yu Xi.

 He asked the servant to stay.

 After Yu Xi came back, she hoped to spend more time with her mother and son without being disturbed. She fired the servant, but he never said a word.

 Firing the servant is just the beginning so that she can escape safely.



Chaolu contacted her old classmates and found a clean and spacious apartment to rent.

The apartment happened to be next door to her classmate, and the two became neighbors.

 Coming to a strange city and a strange environment, Yu Xi was very good and did not cry.

 He just asked Chaolu in confusion, "Mom, why do we have to leave home?"

Looking at her son, Chaolu looked away calmly, not daring to look at him, "Because of mom's work, we have to move here."

 “What about dad?”

 “Dad…at his own home.”

Yu Xi pursed his lips in a depressed manner and drooped his head, "Yu Xi misses daddy."

Chao Lu smiled bitterly and comforted him, "Wouldn't it be better for you to be with your mother now? Mom will stay with you."

There was a knock on the door. It was Wang Lin knocking on the door, "Chaolu, it's me."

Chaolu stood up and opened the door. Wang Lin stood at the door holding a plate of fruit. "I washed the fruit and brought some for you and Yu Xi."

 “You’re too welcome, come in quickly.”

Yu Xi called people obediently, "Auntie."

 “So good.”

Wang Lin touched Yu Xi’s head. Looking at such a handsome little guy, it was not difficult to imagine how handsome his father must be.

Chao Lu remained silent about the father of her child, so Wang Lin stopped asking any more questions.

  She has just arrived in N city, has not found a job yet, and has a son, so her life is inevitably stressful.

Because of the friendship between classmates, Wang Lin can help as much as possible.

With Chao Lu’s consent, Yu Xi dared to eat fruit. Wang Lin and Chao Lu sat together and talked about work.

 “What are you going to do?”

"I plan to find an administrative job..." Chao Lu's voice lowered. Now that she has left the imperial capital, she just wants to live a stable life.

 She doesn’t want to go into an industry where she can make money quickly.

 Xingchi is right when he says something, Yu Xi disdains the money gained by selling his dignity.

He is still young and may not understand. When he grows up later, he will definitely feel ashamed when he knows that his mother earns money as a bartender to support him.

 After dinner, Yu Xi sat on the sofa and watched cartoons.

Suddenly, strong winds and thunder broke out.

Yu Xi frightened and turned around to look for Chao Lu. Chao Lu was still submitting resumes to major companies. When she heard Yu Xi's cry, she hurriedly turned off the computer and ran to the living room.

“Yu Xi, don’t be afraid, mom is here.”

Yu Xi hid in her arms and held her tightly, his little body trembling.

Chaolu turned off the TV and hugged him to comfort him, "It's okay, it's just thunder."

Lightning pierced the sky, followed by thunder.


 In this bad weather, the doorbell rang suddenly.

 "Mom..." Yu Xi looked at him uneasily.

“It should be your Aunt Wang.” Let go of Yu Xi and open the door for Chao Lu.

As soon as the door opened, he saw a man standing outside the door with a gloomy face and cold eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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