Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3414: If you are free, spend more time with him

Chapter 3414: If you are free, spend more time with him

 Back in the imperial capital, Xingchi sent people to send Yu Xi mother and son back to Lanshan Mountain to see the scenery.

“Dad, won’t you come home with us?”

When they parted, Yu Xi held Xingchi's hand tightly with his little hand and refused to let him go.

The little guy's face was full of expectation, and his clear eyes were bright and sparkling with tears. Xing Chi softened his heart and nodded, "Okay, let's go together."

Yu Xi had a big smile on his face, as bright as the bright morning sun.

Lanshan looked at the scenery, returned to the apartment, opened the door, and saw the servant.

“Master Xingchi, Miss Chaolu, are you back?” The servants cleaned the house very clean, and everything was as it was when Chaolu left.

 Seeing them coming back, I was filled with joy.

Yu Xi hugged Xingchi’s neck and said softly, “Dad, can you play chess with Yu Xi?”

 “Yu Xi can play chess?”

 The little guy smiled shyly, "Mom taught Yu Xi."


 Father and son were sitting on the sofa, playing chess.

Chaolu looked at this scene with mixed feelings in her heart.

Yu Xi likes him very much and relies on him more deeply than she imagined.

 Obviously the two of them don’t spend much time together...

 Could this be the so-called blood relationship?

 In the kitchen, the servant was making tea, and Zhao Lu came in, washing his hands and cutting the fruit plate.

“Miss Chaolu, just leave it alone and I’ll come.”

Chao Lu smiled, "I'm not that delicate, I can just cut the fruit."

She insisted on cutting it, and the servant couldn't stop her.

Chao Lu cut the fruit plate and brought it to the living room. Yu Xi was already frowning at the defeat.

 “Eat some fruit.”

 Putting the fruit plate on the coffee table, Chao Lu sat down next to Yu Xi. Yu Xi looked at her for help, "Mom, what should I do?"

Chao Lu took a look at the situation on the chessboard and thought for a moment. Just as he was about to speak, Xing Chi's cell phone rang.

Xingchi took out his cell phone and glanced at Chaolu with a faint look, "I'll answer the call."

 Getting up, he went straight to the balcony, "Hello?"

“Master Xingchi, can you come over here?” the servant of the villa asked cautiously.

 “What’s wrong with Banxia?”

 “Banxia...she has something to tell you.”

 “I’ll be there right away.”

 Hang up the phone, Xing Chi walks away with long legs.

 “Dad!” Yu Xi looked at him eagerly.

"Yu Xi, dad has something to do, so he's leaving first." Xingchi stepped forward, leaned over to hug him, and kissed his cheek, "I'll see you another day."

  Throw down the words and turn around to leave.

Chao Lu chased her out while waiting for the elevator.


Hearing the words, Xingchi turned his head slightly and said, "Is something wrong?"

 “Your lighter.” Chao Lu handed over a silver lighter.

"Thank you." Xingchi took it and held it casually in his hand.

Looking at his handsome profile, dignified and indifferent, Chao Lu bit her lip, knowing she shouldn't say it, but she still couldn't help but say, "Yu Xi likes you very much. If you are free, spend more time with him." .”


"Then... I won't bother you anymore." After Chao Lu finished speaking, she glanced at him.

The man was indifferent. She lowered her eyes and turned to leave.

After entering the elevator, the man in black whispered from the side: "Master Xingchi, I think Miss Chaolu still has something to say to you."

 “What can she say to me?” Xingchi laughed at himself, it was nothing more than Yu Xi’s business.

 Suburban villa.

When Xingchi arrived, the servant told him that Banxia was waiting for him in the study.

 “What’s wrong with Banxia?”

The servant said truthfully, "Ban Xia has been in a bad mood for the past two days and has been depressed."

Xing Chi’s eyes darkened slightly and he went upstairs with a stern face.

 (End of this chapter)

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