Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3438: How about letting him be your daddy?

Chapter 3438 Can you let him be your daddy?

 All this, he got the answer the next day.

 Shichen couldn't believe that the person who appeared in front of him was actually Zong Jie.

 “How could it be you?”

Zong Jie frowned, with a cold expression, "Don't investigate this matter any further, it won't be good for you."

"What's the meaning?"

 Don’t check any further, why?

"That's all I have to say, I hope you can take care of yourself." Zong Jie dropped the words and left.

 Looking at his leaving back, Shi Chen fell into deep thought.

 Could this matter really be related to Rong Yin?

 Otherwise, why did Zong Jie stop him from investigating?

 What is he hiding? What is he hiding?

The servant went downstairs carrying the little dumpling who had woken up from his lunch break. The little guy was rubbing his sleepy eyes.

With flashing eyes, he saw Shi Chen and immediately struggled, opening his arms to hug him, "Daddy~"

  The milky voice is naturally cute.

  When he was in a daze, he came back to his senses after hearing the words. He curled his lips and smiled, stretched out his hands to take her soft little body into his arms.

"woke up?"


 The little guy leaned on Shi Chen's arms, looking at him with bright and clear eyes, "Daddy, aren't you happy?"

"No." Shichen subconsciously denied, shaking his head, "Daddy is not unhappy, he is just thinking about something."

Xiaotuanzi also pursed his small mouth, looking thoughtful.

Shi Chen couldn’t laugh or cry, so he pinched her soft little face and asked, “What is Xiaotuanzi doing?”

 “Xiaotuanzi is also thinking about something.”

 “Can you tell Daddy what you are thinking about?”

Xiao Tuanzi raised his two small arms, hugged his neck, pursed his lips and smiled, "Xiao Tuanzi didn't say thank you to uncle yesterday."

 “Which uncle?”

“That’s right, it’s given to Xiaotuanzi and Minion’s uncle.”

The uncle who gave her the minion, wasn't he Rong Yin?

When the heart was overflowing with the bitterness of the heart, he pulled the hair on the cheeks to the ear with one hand, "The little dumpling told Daddy, do you like that uncle?"

 “I like it.” Xiaotuanzi smiled with his eyebrows crescent.

 “Can you let him be your daddy?”

 The little guy who was smiling contentedly one second ago was staring blankly at him this second.

She stared straight at him without blinking. Soon, her big grape-like eyes were filled with crystal clear tears, flashing, "Daddy..."

She hugged Shi Chen tightly, buried her little head in the crook of his neck, and burst out crying.

As soon as Xiaotuanzi cried, Shi Chen became at a loss. He patted her back with one hand and coaxed softly, "Why are you crying, baby?"

“Woooo…” Xiaotuanzi cried very sadly, “Daddy, daddy, don’t you want Xiaotuanzi?”

 Shi Chen’s brows were furrowed, and the lingering sadness was as thick as ink and could not be dissipated.

 He lowered his head, hugged the little guy tightly, and sighed softly, "How could Daddy be willing to let go of Xiaotuanzi?"

 “Woo woo.”

Shi Chen patted her back gently, "Daddy just wants to ask, I don't want you, so don't cry, okay? If you cry anymore, you won't be beautiful anymore. Xiaotuanzi is the most beautiful, right?"

 It took me a while to coax the little guy.

 Xiaotuanzi was sobbing, with red eyes, leaning in his arms, holding his hand tightly with one small hand, afraid that he would leave.

 Seeing this scene, Shi Chen felt very happy.

He held her little hand with his backhand and said, "Be good, don't cry anymore."

 “Yes, I want to eat ice cream.”

 Shichen lowered his head and kissed the top of her hair, "Okay, strawberry-flavored ice cream, right?"

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 (End of this chapter)

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