Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3453: No one can replace it

Chapter 3453 No one can replace you

 “That’s good.” Xiaoguai felt relieved.

 “What are your plans for today?”

 Cesare asked lazily.

Xiao Guai put down the knife and fork, held his chin in one hand, thought for a while, turned his clear eyes, and looked at him, "I'll stay with you today, okay?"

Cesare gave her a look that said, "I guess you know what I mean."

Yesterday I was with Mia all day, and he called me every once in a while to remind me.

   The little girl got tired of the urging and finally turned off the phone.

 He must be angry, but he just didn't say it out loud.

Xiao Guai hugged his arm and rubbed his cheek, "Where are we going to play today?"

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Xiaoguai's cell phone rang.

 It’s a call from Mr. Xi.

Xiaoguai immediately let go of Cizer and answered the phone, "Grandpa."

 “My dear, are you awake?”

  "I'm already having breakfast." Xiao Guai stuck out his tongue. It seemed that the fact that he stayed in bed was already deeply rooted in people's hearts.

Mr. Xi said that she had always wanted to play the piano for him when there was a performance.

Now is the right time to let her play, not only for him to listen, but also for everyone to listen.

Xiaoguai was very happy and agreed immediately.

 After finalizing the time, Xiaoguai hung up the phone.

Perception of a gaze staring directly at him, Xiaoguai suddenly felt his face burning up.

 She turned her head carefully and said, "Brother Cesar."

"Where to?"

 “Go to a show.”

 “No.” Going, doesn’t that mean she wants to see her so-called brother Pei?

Cesare frowned, with a displeased look on his face, and his eyes became a little gloomy at the same time.

Xiao Guai noticed his displeasure, carefully tugged on his sleeve, and said weakly: "This is what grandpa wants me to go. I must go."


“Besides, not everyone can get this honor.”


"It's just one day." Xiaoguai threw herself into his arms, hugged his neck and acted coquettishly, "I can stay with you tomorrow, really."

César lowered his eyes and glanced at her, "You said the same thing yesterday."

Xiaoguai scratched his head guiltily, "Really? Xiaoguai forgot."

  Pretend to be stupid and get through.

 Finally, Cesare let her go.

 That was her grandfather after all.


Yu Xi calls Xingchi every day and says he wants to have dinner with him.

 For several days, Xingchi had no time to go to the suburban villa.

 Every night, we have dinner at Lanshan Mountain View.

 After dinner, Yu Xi hugged him again and asked him to play with him and watch cartoons together.

Since she gave up the idea of ​​escaping with Yu Xi, Chao Lu is also preparing to find a job in the imperial capital and settle down.

Yu Xi has begun to read simple characters. He leaned in Xingchi's arms and pointed at each character with his little finger. Xingchi patiently taught him how to pronounce the character and what it meant.

 He recited it once, and Yu Xi recited it once.

 The scenes of father and son getting along are always extremely warm.

Chao Lu has seen this kind of scene many times. Recently, she has been troubled.

 Whether it was the servants or her former classmates, they all told her to hold on to Xingchi.

Yu Xi needs a complete family, and no one can replace his biological father.

 Marriage is optional for her. Since she doesn’t value it, why not marry Xingchi.

 It can not only give Yu Xi a complete family, but also allow him to get complete father's love. It's the best of both worlds. Why not?

 (End of this chapter)

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