Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3467: I am her father

Chapter 3467 I am her father

 Pressing the internal line, he called Leng Wei.

 Less than two minutes later, Leng Wei knocked on the study door.

 “Sir, what are your orders?”

Rong Yin picked up a document on the table with his fingertips and handed it to him, "These are all assigned to Xiaotuanzi's name."

 Leng Wei glanced at it and opened his eyes slightly.

 The contents of the document include minerals, rare earths, oil fields...

 All of them were transferred to Xiaotuanzi’s name, which means that he gave all the assets in his name, including billions of dollars, to Xiaotuanzi.

 “Your Excellency, you...”

Rong Yin rested his forehead tiredly. These assets were his personal assets, part of which he inherited from his grandfather.

"In the future, when I'm gone, these will all be given to Xiaotuanzi. It doesn't matter if you give them early or late." A bitter smile overflowed from the corner of Rong Yin's lips, "Although I know she is not in need, Xuetuan will definitely not treat her badly. . But after all, I am her father..."

  Can't stay with her and take care of her, but at least... he should let her know that he loves her.

Perhaps, a few years later, when she grows up and knows who her biological father is, she will understand his deep love for her.

"Yes, Your Excellency." Leng Wei suddenly felt depressed, a kind of helplessness and despair for life.

 He exited the study step by step and set about doing this.

Rong Yin picked up the phone and looked at the photos of Xiaotuanzi on the phone.

There is also a short video of her eating ice cream, holding a spoon in one hand, taking a sip, and putting it into her mouth with a satisfied look on her face.

 The cheeks are bulging, like a little hamster hiding food, smart and cute.

 Every move she makes is extremely cute in Rong Yin's eyes.

Watching the video over and over again, he felt attached to it.

There was a dull pain in his chest, and his handsome eyebrows frowned tightly. He pressed his chest with one hand, and his breathing stung.

He was breathing hard, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and the broken hair on his forehead was wet, and he was in a miserable state.

Hold out one hand and press the inner line tremblingly.

 “Sir, what are your orders?”

From the other end, the worried voice of the servant came, "Sir? Are you listening? Your Excellency, are you okay?"

The doctor rushed in immediately and saw that his face was in pain and his handsome face was turning pale. He was shocked and said, "Sir!"


Xiaotuanzi is very clingy, especially after she arrived at the company, and he spent very little time with her.

 Every day when she goes out is the most difficult moment.

It’s okay if Xiao Tuanzi doesn’t pester others, but if he pesters others, no one can resist him.

Even Xuetuan, her biological mother, is not immune to her cuteness.


Little Tuanzi hugged her back tightly, his little head raised high, and his thick long eyelashes flickered like two small fans.

The little red mouth pursed slightly, and he asked her in a sweet voice, "Can you bring the dumplings?"


"Why not?" Xiaotuanzi lowered his head, looking disappointed, "Xiaotuanzi must be bad."

 Here it comes again…

Xuetuan put a hand on his forehead and said, "You're not bad, it's because Mommy has to work and it's not convenient for her to accompany you."

"It's Xiaotuanzi who is not good." The little guy let go of her and staggered back two steps, his eyes full of tears, and tears were rolling in his eyes.

 The appearance of a person who is about to fall is the most endearing.

Xuetuan sighed and compromised, "Okay, Mommy will take you there."

 “Mommy is the best! I love you~”

 (End of this chapter)

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