Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3469: Mommy, do you know uncle?

Chapter 3469 Mommy, do you know uncle?

She looked stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses.

After hanging up the phone, Xue Tuan was silent for a long time. Xiao Tuanzi's little hand in his arms touched her face and said in a nagging tone: "Mommy, what's wrong with you?"

"Mommy is fine." Xue Tuan lowered his head and kissed her soft face, feeling extremely complicated.

 It was indeed him.

 What exactly does Rong Yin want to do?

 Suddenly, what was his purpose in transferring all these assets to Xiaotuanzi?

“Mommy, mommy.” Xiaotuanzi called her in a cute voice, “Ice cream, strawberry flavor.”

Xue Tuan frowned. It seemed that she had been doting on her so much recently that she could eat ice cream as much as she wanted.

Xiaotuanzi pouted her little mouth, puffed up her cheeks, held her hand eagerly, and put it against his face, "You want to eat, Mommy~"


 “A little?” Xiaotuanzi bargained with her with tears in his eyes.

She has a bad gastrointestinal condition, and Xueduan and Shichen are afraid to let her eat too much cold food, especially irritating frozen food like ice cream.

Xiaotuanzi likes to eat very much. Occasionally, she will be allowed to eat a little, but never too much.

When she encounters her acting coquettishly, Xue Tuan can fool her with other foods, so she can fool her.

 Never let her eat more.

 But this time, Xiaotuanzi couldn't get the ice cream even though she acted coquettishly. She puffed up her cheeks angrily, turned her head to the side, and turned her back to her.

“Xiao Tuanzi?” Xuetuan reached out and tapped the back of her head.

Xiaotuanzi moved his body, farther away from her.

Xuetuan was helpless, "Can you eat some fruit? Mommy will eat it with you?"

"Not good, not good."

“Xiaotuanzi, mommy told you that you can’t eat too much ice cream, it’s not good for your health. It’s useless for you to act coquettishly, and it’s even more useless for you to be angry. Mommy will not condone you.”

 “Woo woo…”

Xiaotuanzi wiped his tears in aggrieved manner, "Uncle...Uncle said that children can eat it, Xiaotuanzi is a child."

 “Which uncle said that?”

The little dumpling turned around with a swish, his big grape-like eyes still sparkling with tears, "That's uncle."

 The uncle she spoke of could only be tolerated.

 Aware of this, Xue Tuan fell silent.

Xiaotuanzi stretched out his little paws, grabbed one of her index fingers, and asked in a sweet voice, "Mommy, do you know uncle?"

"do not know."

"Oh." Xiao Tuanzi nodded blankly, and then whispered, "Uncle welcomes Xiao Tuanzi to play at his house~"

Xuetuan's face darkened, Rong Yin approached Xiaotuanzi, treated her well, and transferred the assets to her name.

 All these things mean that...he wants to win Xiaotuanzi's heart.

 Now, to Xiaotuanzi, he is just an uncle.

What happens next?

 “Mommy, my uncle’s house has a lot of...”

Before Xiao Tuanzi finished speaking, he felt the hand he was holding tighten suddenly.

 He grabbed her whole little paw with his backhand. Her little face tightened and she looked at the snowballs with an uneasy expression.

"If you like uncle, go to uncle's house. Mommy doesn't want you anymore."

 Shocked and aggrieved, Xiaotuanzi burst out crying, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu."Mommy."

Hands held her hand tightly with two small hands, fearing that she would not want him.

Little Tuanzi cried so hard that he was out of breath, and big tears fell down his white face.

Hearing her sad cries, Xuetuan felt guilty and self-blame. She was just taking out her anger on Rong Yin on Xiaotuanzi.

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 (End of this chapter)

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