Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3597: You will bless me and you, right?

Chapter 3597 You will bless me and you, right?

“But mommy and uncle are not husband and wife, so they can’t kiss.”

Rong Yin heard the little guy's soft and waxy words, and suddenly a flash of embarrassment and embarrassment flashed across Jun's face.

Xue Tuan turned his head and glared at him fiercely.

 It’s all his fault!

Rong Yin stepped forward and knelt down in front of Xiao Tuanzi, "Xiao Tuanzi, you saw it wrong."

 “Xiao Tuanzi got it right.” Being questioned, Xiao Tuanzi was very unhappy.

 The little mouth was pursed high, with an expression like "the baby is in a mood".

Rong Yin held her little face and laughed softly. This angry little look was so cute.

“Your mommy had sand in her eyes just now, and uncle was blowing sand into her eyes. It’s not what you saw.”

“It’s just what Xiaotuanzi saw!” Xiaotuanzi stamped his feet and almost cried in anger.

Rong Yin pondered for a moment and sighed, "Okay, you saw it."

 “Humph(╯^╰)” Xiaotuanzi turned his head aside proudly.

 “Don’t be angry, okay?”

Rong Yin hugged her and stood up, "Uncle, I will take you to catch starfish, okay?"

 “…Okay.” I agreed without principle.

After walking a few steps, Rong Yin paused. His handsome face was so pale in the sun that his skin was almost transparent.

He raised his lips and smiled, "Xuetuan, let's go together."

"don't want."

 “Let’s get together.”

Xuetuan snorted coldly, "Reject!"

Rong Yin held Xiaotuanzi in his arms and looked at her eagerly, "Do you have the heart to refuse Xiaotuanzi?"

Xiao Tuanzi pretended to be cat paws with his two little hands, shook them beside his face, and said cutely: "Mommy, Mommy, let's catch starfish together."

 In the end, Xue Tuan still didn’t go to catch starfish with them.

 She returned to the villa, and Leng Shu was making cold drinks in the kitchen.

Coming out of the kitchen, he saw her coming back alone. He glanced past her, looked behind her, and looked for a moment, "Miss Shangguan, where is your Excellency?"

"have no idea."

Leng Shu curved her lips and smiled, and looked at her with neither humility nor arrogance, "Miss Shangguan, do you still like your Excellency?"

 Hah, so straightforward?

 “I have no obligation to answer you.”

"Indeed, you have no obligation to answer me." Leng Shu said to herself, "Your Excellency, this person may not be good in any way in your eyes. But in my eyes, he is good in every way."

 The only bad thing is that I don't like her.

"I don't have time to listen to you." Xue Tuan walked upstairs.

Leng Shu stood at the top of the stairs, looking at her back, "Miss Shangguan, you will bless me and your Excellency, right?"



 Leng Wei came in from outside and happened to hear Leng Shu's provocative words.

He frowned fiercely, and his face instantly darkened.

He quickly stepped forward, grabbed her and dragged her out. Leng Shu was dragged away unprepared. After she realized who was dragging her, she asked, "Brother, what are you doing?"

 “Come out with me!”

In the backyard, Leng Wei shook Leng Shu away hard.

After staggering for a few steps, Leng Shu finally stood firm. He rubbed his wrist with one hand, and then raised his hand to smooth his messy hair. "Brother, if you have anything to say, just say it. I'll give it to you later." Your Excellency will send you a cold drink."

“Leng Shu, do you know what you are doing?”

"I know." Leng Shu's eyes were firm. She certainly knew what she was doing.

"How did I warn you when you came? Did you turn a deaf ear to my words?!" Leng Wei glared at her with an angry tone.

Leng Shu pursed her lips and said disapprovingly, "I haven't forgotten, but I can't just watch her hurt you."

"Even if you are hurt by my wife, you are still happy with it. Do you understand?!"

 (End of this chapter)

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