Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3602: Once you leave, it will be difficult to come back...

Chapter 3602 Once you leave, it will be difficult to come back...

Leng Wei let out an "ouch" and fell backwards.

Xiaotuanzi was frightened and looked at his little fist suspiciously. Hey, is she so powerful?

"Little miss, I'm injured." Leng Wei winked at Zong Jie.

Zong Jie understood immediately and put his arm around Xiaotuanzi's shoulders, "Miss, he is injured, shall we call a doctor for him?"

 “You call me, Xiaotuanzi is looking for mommy.”

The little guy was extremely stubborn. He pushed Zong Jie away and ran to the bedroom door.

Stand on tiptoes and raise your hand to open the door.

 I twisted it and found that the door was locked.

She pressed her forehead against the door panel unhappily and shouted muffledly, "Mommy, Mommy, are you there?"

“Uncle, uncle, open the door!”

 “Xiaotuanzi is hungry…”

After a long time, the bedroom door opened.

Rong Yin's face turned pale and he looked a little dazed. After he came out of the bedroom, he closed the door behind his back.

 “Let’s go, uncle will take you down for dinner.”

 Xiaotuanzi struggled twice in his arms, "Where's Mommy?"

 “Your mommy is resting.”

 “Can Xiaotuanzi go to see mommy?”

 “Not yet.”

Xiao Tuanzi lowered her eyes and played with her fingers glumly. Seeing her unhappy look, Rong Yin felt a little distressed.

 Taking a deep breath secretly, he took her downstairs.

 After finishing dinner with Xiao Tuanzi eagerly, he held Xiao Tuanzi's face in his hands and said in a hoarse voice, "Xiao Tuanzi, uncle is leaving."


Xiaotuanzi grabbed his hand nervously, "Where are you going, uncle?"

“Uncle is going back to the imperial capital for a meeting, Xiaotuanzi should stay with your mommy, you know?”

 Xiao Tuanzi nodded obediently, "Xiao Tuanzi understands."

 That night, Rong Yin left the island.

No one thought that once you leave, it will be difficult to come back...


  Country F.

Xiaoguai was shocked when he received a call from Xuetuan.

Hearing her hoarse voice, Xiaoguai became worried, "Sister, what's wrong with you?"

 “My dear, can you do me a favor?”

Xiaoguai nodded hurriedly, "Sister, tell me!"

Xuetuan said a few words, and the little boy nodded his head like a chicken pecking at rice.

 After hanging up the phone, she hurried out.

He ran into César head-on. César reached out with his long arms and pulled the panicked woman into his arms. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where are you running in such a panic?"

 “Brother César, sister, she...”

Before he finished speaking, the little boy started crying.

César frowned and carried her back to the hall. He patted her back with one hand and coaxed softly, "Don't be anxious. Speak slowly. Sister, what's wrong with her?"

 After twitching for a while, Xiaoguai was able to say a complete sentence, "Sister, she wants you to come over now...Brother Cesar, I can tell that sister is in a very bad mood."

Have been there?

 Because of Rong Yin?

 He had not forgotten that the last time Xuetuan called him was to ask him to go over and check up on Rong Yin.

 Now, call Xiaoguai again?

The thin lips were pressed into a tight line, and a hint of anger appeared in his eyes, "Don't worry about this matter, leave it to me."

"But..." Xiaoguai held his hand tightly and shook his head helplessly, "Xiaoguai has already promised to my sister."

Taking a deep breath, Cesare really had nothing to do with her.

 Raised his hand, wiped away her tears, and coaxed softly, "Stop crying, you are already getting married, and you still shed tears so easily."

 “Woo woo.”

"Little crybaby." Cizer pressed her head into his arms, his eyes knowing more, "I will contact my sister, please don't cry."

 (End of this chapter)

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