Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3604: Rong Yin, what happened to you?

Chapter 3604 Rong Yin, what happened to you?

"Okay, ma'am. Nothing happens. I'll hang up first."

 “Don’t hang up, I’ll just wait.”

Zong Jie is in trouble. Your Excellency is still in a coma and it is unknown when he will wake up.

If you let her wait like this, once she finds out the clues, you will inevitably become angry again.

Being angry at this time will only do harm to his body and not any good.

“Madam, it will take some time for your Excellency to have a meeting in case someone cannot find you, so please allow me to hang up the phone.”


Xue Tuan refused sternly, "Zong Jie, don't hang up the phone."

Zong Jie is in a dilemma, with His Excellency on one side and Madam on the other. He cannot offend anyone.

 Privately, I still hope that Madam can know about your condition.

 Even would be nice to accompany him on his last journey.

"Madam, let me tell you the truth." Zong Jie's voice lowered, with a hint of sadness, "Your Excellency is in the hospital now, unconscious and unable to answer your call."

Xue Tuan knew that he must be lying!

 What a meeting! Why can't you answer the phone?

 Are you lying to her?

 Xiaotuanzi grabbed her hand and shook it gently, "Mommy, what's wrong with you?"

The little guy was sensitive to Xue Tuan's emotional changes. He raised his little head high and looked at her anxiously.

It took a long time before Xuetuan found his voice, "Which hospital?"

 Zong Jie reported the address.

 An hour later, Xuetuan arrived at the hospital, and Xiaotuanzi followed her.

Walking in the quiet and deserted corridor of the hospital, Xiaotuanzi grabbed her hand in fear, "Mommy, is uncle here?"


Xue Tuan responded perfunctorily. The entire floor was guarded by guards, and the corridor was silent.

Zong Jie saw her coming and immediately stood up and came over to greet her, "Madam, young lady, you are here."

 “What about others?”

“You are still in the ICU.”

 The doctor stayed on guard 24 hours a day, waiting for him to wake up and get through this difficult time.

Xuetuan let go of Xiaotuanzi’s hand and said, “Look at Xiaotuanzi.”

 “Yes, ma’am.”

Xue Tuan quickly stepped forward and came to the door of the ICU. Through the glass, he looked at Rong Yin, who was lying on the hospital bed with tubes all over his body and an oxygen mask.

  Obviously everything was fine the day he left. How could it... suddenly become like this?

"Madam, can you go in and talk to Your Excellency? He may be able to hear it. Now his survival consciousness is not strong, and he may not wake up..." The doctor came to her side and explained in a low voice.

“What does it mean to have a weak sense of survival?” Xuetuan turned his head in surprise, unable to believe what he heard.

The doctor slowly said, "Your Excellency's body... Madam, please go in and talk to him. Maybe he will wake up after hearing your voice."

 Putting on sterile clothes, Xue Tuan entered the ICU.

 Various instruments were in operation, and Jing Jing knew in the ICU that the mechanized sounds of these instruments could be heard.

She stood in front of the hospital bed, looking down at Rong Yin. At this moment, he was extremely fragile.

As if he was asleep, except for the weak ups and downs of the electrocardiogram, there was no sign that he was still alive.

"Rong Yin...what's wrong with you?" As soon as the words came out, she didn't even notice that there was a slight tremor in her voice.

 In the corridor, Xiao Tuanzi was held by Zong Jie, looking unhappy.

She struggled angrily, "Uncle Zong Jie, can you let Xiao Tuanzi go?"

 (End of this chapter)

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