Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3621: This is from grandma

Chapter 3621 This is a gift from grandma

 “Young Master Xingchi…”

Banxia hesitated to speak, she really didn't know what to say.

There are many things in my heart that I want to say to persuade him, but I also know that he doesn’t like to be preached to.

"Say what you have to say, don't hesitate." Xingchi raised his hand, unbuttoned two shirt buttons, and relaxed on the sofa.

"I think it would be more appropriate for you to take Miss Chaolu and Young Master Yu Xi with you." She lowered her head and twirled her fingers, "Young Master Yu Xi is still young and needs a sound family to grow up well. Young Master Xingchi, human being They all have feelings, I believe Miss Chaolu will sooner or later..."

"What can you do?"

"Yes..." Banxia bit her lip, already hearing the displeasure in his words.

Xingchi stood up and snorted coldly, "Will you be moved? I, Shangguan Xingchi, when did I need to be moved to beg for other people's affection?"

 “I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant, I...”

"Shut up!"

Xingchi growled angrily, "You decide whether to go or not. I won't force you!"

 After leaving the words, Xingchi turned and left.

Xiao Ba chased Xing Chi to the bedroom door, barking twice at his back without stopping.

Xiao Ba hesitated whether to chase after him or not, when Ban Xia’s voice came to mind, “Xiao Ba, come here.”

 Xiaoba turned around and ran to her feet.

  Touching Xiaoba’s furry head, Banxia pursed her lips bitterly, “I made him angry again.”


 Shangguan Manor.

 It’s already ten o’clock in the evening, and Xiaotuanzi hasn’t come back yet.

Xue Tuan was in the hall, pacing back and forth, picking up his phone and putting it down again.

 Seems to be hesitant.

Sitting on the sofa, Shichen said warmly, "Why don't you give him a call?"

"You hit."

Xue Tuan blurted out, and immediately, when she thought of the relationship between Shi Chen and Rong Yin, she could not help but shut her mouth.

 I rubbed my forehead with one hand, feeling a headache.

Rong Yin is really too much. She has asked Xiaotuanzi to play with him for a day, but she still hasn’t let him go.

What on earth does he want to do?

"I can fight." Shi Chen's voice was clear and clear, without any sign of anger.

He was about to pick up the phone, but Xuetuan immediately held his hand down, "Forget it, don't call. He should be more measured."

After a while, the servant came forward to report, "Miss, the young lady is back."

 He breathed a sigh of relief, and Xue Tuan was glad that he didn’t call Rong Yin just now.

 “I love taking a bath with lots of bubbles, la la la...”

Xiaotuanzi held a baby in his arms and ran in humming a bath song in a good mood.

  Seeing her flushed little face from running, Xue Tuan suddenly turned cold.

She tapped her index finger on her watch and said seriously, "Xiaotuanzi, do you know what time it is now?"

Xiao Tuanzi grinned, ran forward, and hugged her leg with a free arm, "Mommy, Xiao Tuanzi is back."

 “Do you know what time it is now?”

 “I’m sorry, Mommy.”

After apologizing, Xiaotuanzi let go of Xuetuan and ran to find Shi Chen, "Daddy!"

 Shichen has always doted on her and was reluctant to say harsh words to her. Only when Xiaotuanzi understood this did he feel confident.

  Running in front of Shi Chen, Shi Chen hugged her, "Why are you back so late? I didn't even call your father and mother. Your mother is very worried about you, you know?"

Xiao Tuanzi stuck out his tongue playfully, "Xiao Tuanzi knows he was wrong."

"It won't happen next time." Shi Chen pinched her cheek.

Looking at the doll in her arms, which was not like the stuffed dolls bought in the market, he asked: "Who gave this to you?"

“This is a gift from grandma.” Xiaotuanzi hugged the baby and rubbed it with his face happily.

 (End of this chapter)

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