Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3624: You finally came

Chapter 3624 You are finally here

 “Stop talking nonsense and give me the medicine!”

 Even if he had to hold on, he would still hold on until he was small.

 Must not fall before she comes.

 When Xiaotuanzi arrived, Rong Yin had already taken the medicine and its effects were beginning to take effect.

 He was sitting on the sofa, looking a little pale.

 Having changed his clothes, he still felt that there was a faint smell of blood on his body that could not be dissipated.


Xiao Tuanzi came in and was led in by Zong Jie.

 Her eyes were very red as Zong Jie said.

 Him after crying.

Rong Yin was heartbroken. He stood up and stepped forward, holding the little girl in his arms. "Xiao Tuanzi, why are you crying?"

 “Mommy…Mommy doesn’t want Xiaotuanzi to find his uncle.”

Rong Yin felt extremely distressed, his heart was twitching as if he was being tortured, and the heartbreaking pain spread to his limbs and bones.

 He took a deep breath secretly and adjusted his breathing, "Then Xiaotuanzi won't come to uncle tomorrow, okay?"

"All right."

 The little guy was in a very depressed mood, Rong Yin carried her and sat down on the sofa.

He raised his hand to signal the servant to take out the gift he had prepared.

 This is a pink brocade box.

Xiaotuanzi blinked curiously and asked cutely, "Uncle, what is this?"

“This is a gift from your uncle. Open it and take a look.”

 Xiao Tuanzi opened the brocade box and saw a hairpin lying inside.

 The pink diamond reflected the bright light. She picked up the hairpin and said excitedly, "Is this for Xiaotuanzi?"

 “Yes, do you like it?”

 “Yeah!” Xiaotuanzi nodded heavily, “I like it!”

“Uncle, can you put it on for you?”

  Xiao Tuanzi handed him the hairpin. Rong Yin put it on for her and looked at it for a moment. "Our little Tuanzi is so beautiful."


 Xiaotuanzi is finally happy.

 After playing with her for a while, Rong Yin looked painful. It was obvious that he could no longer hold on any longer.

“Xiao Tuanzi, can Uncle Zong Jie take you home? Otherwise, your mother will be angry.” Rong Yin tried to discuss it with her.

Xiaotuanzi was very obedient and nodded her head. After all, she was still afraid that Xuetuan would be angry.

 “Zong Jie.”

 “Your Majesty, your command.”

 “Send Xiaotuanzi home.”

 After saying that, Rong Yin didn’t know when he would see Xiaotuanzi, and a feeling of sadness enveloped him.

 He grasped Xiaotuanzi's soft little hand, brought it to his lips, and kissed the back of her hand gently, "Xiaotuanzi, will you miss your uncle?"


"You're so good." Rong Yin hugged her reluctantly, "Uncle will miss you too and will always miss you."

On this day, after Xiaotuanzi went back, he never came back.

 She called Rong Yin and he answered.

  However, they all excused themselves by saying that they had no time and could not play with her.

Every time, someone would be sent to Shangguan Manor to deliver gifts to her. The gifts came one after another, but Xiaotuanzi never saw him again.


An Zhiyi, who was imprisoned in prison, was not impatient and ate her prison food with peace of mind.

During this period, Lin Chengwei visited her once, promised her benefits and promised to take her out.

 An Zhiyi refused.

She is a person with goals now, how could she be deceived by his petty profit?

 After waiting for more than half a month, she finally saw the light of day.

On this day, she had lunch as usual and lay down on the hard bed to sleep. Just as she was about to fall asleep, there was a rush of messy footsteps outside the iron door.

Zong Jie appeared in front of her, and An Zhiyi sat up lazily, "You are finally here."

 “Open the door.”

 (End of this chapter)

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