Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3639: If it were any later, he wouldn't be able to be saved.

Chapter 3639: If it were any later, he wouldn’t be able to be saved.

 “Sure enough…”

An Zhiyi looked at Rong Yin and nodded to herself, just as she expected.

 Now, it’s time for him to get sick.

 Being able to hold on for so long is already considered the limit.

 The limits of his body.

"Are you An Zhiyi?" Qi Lianyi came to her with scarlet eyes, "Where's the medicine?"

An Zhiyi took out a pill and fed it into Rongyin's mouth. She said to Zong Jie, "He has no ability to swallow on his own now. Give him some water, press the base of his tongue, and force him to swallow."

Zong Jie nodded and followed the instructions one by one.

 It was not until they saw Rong Yin swallowing the medicine that everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

 Now, just wait for Rong Yin to wake up.

 An Zhiyi sat aside, and time passed by.

Qi Lianyi's heart felt like it was being roasted on a stove, suffering endlessly.

 The doctor was examining Rong Yin and monitoring his heart rate in real time. However, two hours later, there was still no change in Rong Yin.

An Zhiyi's expression suddenly became serious, "His condition is more serious than I thought..."

"What should we do?" Qi Lianyi stepped forward and grabbed her collar, "Where's the medicine? Feed him a few more medicines!"

 Increase the dose of medicine, and maybe... Rong Yin will be able to wake up.

 Perhaps, his symptoms can be relieved...

"Don't get excited." An Zhiyi opened Qi Lianyi's hand, "The medicine is useless to him now."

An Zhiyi pursed her lips and looked at the doctor, "Get ready, take my blood and give it to him later."

"What do you mean?" Qi Lianyi was shocked. Transfusion of her blood?

why is that?

At this point, An Zhiyi no longer wanted to hide it from them. She looked at Qi Lianyi calmly and looked at her, "The medicine Lin Chengwei gave was taken from me."

"So, you are also one of the accomplices?" Qi Lianyi was furious, raised his hand and slapped him hard.


 She ordered in a cold voice, "Lock her up!"

“Madam, please calm down!” Zong Jie stepped forward and advised, “It’s important to save you now, let’s draw blood first!”

An Zhiyi's face was knocked to the side, and her hair was messy and covered her face. She exhaled a long breath, "Let's draw blood first. If it's too late, he won't be able to be saved."

 400cc of blood was drawn. An Zhiyi's face was very pale. Her blood was transfused little by little into the hidden blood vessels through a small needle.

She blinked tiredly and told Zong Jie, "After an hour, if his heart rate still doesn't change, give him another 400CC."

Zong Jie nodded. Seeing that something was wrong with her face, he hesitated and asked, "Are you okay?"

 She must not let anything happen to her.

 If her blood can really save you, then...she cannot die!

An Zhiyi shook her head and said, "I'm fine, it's just... anemia."

"Take some rest first."

Qi Lianyi spoke, and she ordered the servant to take her to the guest room to rest.

He also ordered the guards to keep an eye on her and not let her escape.

 An hour later, the color on Rong Yin’s face gradually returned, and his heart rate gradually returned to normal.

The doctors were all amazed, and even Qi Lianyi found it incredible.

“Can her blood really save Rong Yin?”

The doctors can only think of one explanation, "Probably An Zhiyi's blood can produce antibodies against the virus in your body. This needs further confirmation."

 When Rong Yin woke up, it was already night.

An Zhiyi lay on the bedside and fell asleep.

 (End of this chapter)

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