Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3645: Who says I don't like him?

Chapter 3645 Who said I don’t like him?

"Miss An, I'm not here to talk about my sister." Leng Wei got to the point, "Since you don't like your Excellency, why do you threaten him like this?"

 “Who says I don’t like him?”

An Zhiyi clasped her hands behind her back and walked slowly on the lawn, "He is the president of a country. He must be good-looking and powerful. I have no reason not to like him."

 “Miss An!”

Leng Wei's tone was a bit stern, "Your Excellency has no grievances against you, and you can no longer pursue the matter of drugging. Why do you still threaten him? What good does this do to you?"

Pausing, An Zhiyi raised her head and looked at the dazzling sunshine in the sky.

Yeah, what good does threatening Rong Yin do to her?

 Now, he needs her blood before he reluctantly compromises.

 Once he recovers, her situation will be very dangerous.

Whether she can survive or not depends entirely on Rong Yin's mood.

She knew that if she continued playing like this, a fire pit would be waiting for her.

 But she... still insisted on doing it.

Since brother Shi Chen likes Shangguan Xingye, she will help him.

 Solved his worries at the same time.

As long as Rong Yin is with her, even if Shangguan Xingye wants to return to Rong Yin one day, there will be no place for her beside Rong Yin.

 When the time comes, she will discover how good brother Shi Chen is.

 I hope she can cherish Brother Shi.

 “Leng Wei, have you ever been in love?”

An Zhiyi didn’t answer the question, Leng Wei was slightly annoyed and said, “We talked about it.”

“Then you must understand what it feels like to like someone. It’s a feeling that makes you want to give everything you have, even your life.”

Leng Wei sneered disdainfully and did not hesitate to expose her, "But I can't tell at all that you like your Excellency at all."

An Zhiyi lowered her head and smiled, "Emotions can be cultivated. If you don't like it now, you will like it later."


 Leng Wei scolded, "Do you know how many people you will hurt by your willfulness?"

"I know." An Zhiyi whispered, her voice was so light that it could be blown away by the wind, "So, I have prepared for the worst."

 Even if she ends up dead.

 She will not regret it either.

 Outside the presidential palace, in the black Rolls-Royce motorcade.

 The sentry’s words reached everyone’s ears clearly.

 “I’m sorry, you’re missing. Everyone, please come back!”

 The cold and strong words showed Rong Yin's determination not to see her.

  Xue Duan sitting in the car had complicated eyes. The man in black looked at her in the rearview mirror, "Miss, do you still want to wait?"


Rong Yin can’t see her, why?

 Feeling guilty?


 Or… you really don’t want to see her again?

At this moment, Xue Tuan was in a state of confusion, with messy thoughts intertwined and intertwined.

 Hand on her forehead with one hand, she closed her eyes.

I don’t know how long it took before I heard the man in black say: “Someone is coming out.”

 She opened her eyes and slowly looked up.

 A black Mercedes slowly drove out from the Presidential Palace.

The sentry stood at attention and saluted, watching the black Mai~Bah.

The window of the car was lowered. In the back seat, the girl's lips were smiling. She inadvertently glanced at Xuetuan's motorcade, and her brows were slightly raised in confusion.

Soon, the eyes of the two people were separated.

Who is that?

 Xue Tuan turned around and saw that the black horse had driven far away and disappeared from sight.

“Miss, what’s wrong with you?”

Xue Tuan was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses and said, "It's nothing, let's go back."

  “Aren’t you waiting?”

 (End of this chapter)

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