Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3651: My sister is doing stupid things inside

Chapter 3651 My sister is doing stupid things inside

 Leng Wei took a step forward and blocked her view.

"Miss An, I apologize to you on behalf of Leng Shu."

Leng Wei explained, "Leng Shu has a bad temper. Her behavior just now was indeed wrong. Please don't mind."

An Zhiyi chuckled and shook her head slowly, "It's okay, I won't take it to heart."

 Actually, she envied Leng Shu.

 At least, she can be brave enough to be herself.

Able to risk everything for the one you love, even if you know that the consequences of doing so will be serious, without hesitation or fear.

 He lowered his head, and a bitter smile escaped from the corners of his lips.

Hope Shangguan Xingye can treat Brother Shi well, otherwise, she doesn't know if she has the courage to slap Leng Shu.

However, Brother Shi certainly doesn’t want Shangguan Xingye to suffer the slightest injustice, right?

 After all, he loves her so much...

Rong Yin left the Presidential Palace and went to the Council Hall.

An Zhiyi stayed in the Presidential Palace, sitting in the bedroom in a daze. When she was alone, she often asked herself, what is the meaning of life now?

If it weren't for the time, she probably wouldn't be able to stay even for a second.


 For him, she is not afraid of swords, mountains and fire.

 This is probably the power of loving someone.


 Shangguan Manor.

“Sister, are you listening?”

Xiao Guai has been talking for more than ten minutes, but there is no reaction at all in the bedroom.

She called the servant to bring her a glass of water. After drinking a large glass of water, she continued to knock on the door.

“Sister, if you are in a bad mood, let Xiaoguai go in and talk to you. Or, if you want to go out for some fresh air, Xiaoguai will accompany you.”


“Sister, can you please open the door? Xiaoguai is very worried about you...”


 “Sister, Xiaotuanzi is here.”

Cesaire came over with Xiang Xiaotuanzi in his arms. The little guy obviously didn't know what was going on. He had a confused look on his face, which was so cute and heart-warming.

Xiaoguai couldn't help but stretched out his hand and pinched her little cheek, leaned close to her, and whispered, "Xiaotuanzi, come on, coax your mommy so she doesn't stay in there alone."

"What's wrong with Mommy?" Xiaotuanzi rubbed his eyes and asked blankly.

“Your mommy is in a bad mood, Xiaotuanzi, please comfort her.”

 Xiao Tuanzi’s little head was a little heavier. She raised her little fist and started to knock on the door. “Mommy, Mommy, please open the door.”


César and Xiaoguai looked at each other. Xiaoguai shrugged helplessly and asked in a low voice, "Brother César, what should we do now?"

 “Okay, no one should disturb her now, let her be alone for a while.”

 She always needs some time to digest that she was rejected when she went to the Presidential Palace.

 Give her time and let her come out slowly.

However, at night, Xue Tuan’s bedroom door was still closed.

 There is no intention to open it at all.

No matter how Xiaoguai and Xiaotuanzi called, Xuetuan did not respond, let alone open the door.

"Brother Cesar, if it doesn't work, let's use the spare key to open the door." Xiaoguai paced back and forth anxiously, "I'm worried that my sister will do something stupid inside."

 “Don’t worry, she won’t.”

 Cesare was certain that Xue Tuan was not such a coward.

 I won’t do stupid things just because of this little thing.

  She still has Xiaotuanzi, and even if it is for Xiaotuanzi, she will not do this...

“Sister, if you are not hungry yet, you don’t have to eat dinner. I will bring you a midnight snack at ten o’clock. If you don’t eat by then, I will tear down the door.”

 (End of this chapter)

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