Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3658: No food, no drink, no one to see

Chapter 3658: No food, no drink, no one to see

The servant rushed forward to check in a panic, but Cesare growled coldly, "What are you still doing? She needs to lie down now. Where is the bedroom? Lead the way!"

The servant suddenly came to his senses after being shouted at by César.

  He nodded hurriedly, "Yes, please come with me."

The servant hurriedly led the way. César picked up the snowball and carried her all the way upstairs.

The servant did not dare to take the person to Rong Yin's bedroom privately, so he could only temporarily arrange it in the guest room.

 Opening the door, the servant said anxiously, "Come in."

Cesaire held Xue Tuan in his arms and quickly entered the bedroom. He laid her down, leaned over, and did a simple check on her.

He frowned and said, "Go and get the medicine as I told you."


César gave the names of several medicines and asked them to go to the infirmary to get them immediately without delay.

The servant nodded, turned and ran away.

  The door, which was ajar, was pushed open violently.

Rong Yin stood at the door, one hand on the door frame, his eyes fixed on Xue Tuan lying on the bed, his thin lips pressed tightly, "What's wrong with Xue Tuan?"

 Cesare snorted coldly and ignored it.

Rong Yin walked slowly, as if hesitating, as if suffering, as he came to the bedside step by step, staring deeply at that delicate little face.

At this moment, Xue Tuan was unconscious and motionless.

If it weren't for the slight rise and fall of her chest, which proved that she was still breathing, Rong Yin might have mistakenly thought that she...had...

Taking a deep breath, Rong Yin held Xue Tuan's cold hand. He stretched out his arm and pressed the phone line on the bedside table, "Call the doctor immediately..."

Cesare hung up the phone with one hand and reminded him coldly, "Have you forgotten that I am a doctor?"

Rong Yin seemed to have just remembered that he was the doctor.

 With him in charge, Xuetuan doesn't need any other doctors.

 He nodded in a daze, "Why did I forget that you are the doctor..."

Cesare was observing him from the side, looking like someone who didn't want to be cruel enough not to see his sister.

Now, his sister fainted, and he looked worried. Why?

“Rong Yin, don’t you think you are hypocritical?”

Rong Yin held Xue Tuan’s hand. Why was it so cold? Is she sick?

 Why do you faint?

Looking deeply at that face, wandering, eyes lingering.

Everything around me has become nothing.

 He could see nothing but her.

César grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted him up, "Rong Yin, why are you pretending? Didn't you just want to drive my sister away? Didn't you let a woman who appeared out of nowhere to humiliate my sister? ?Now you are pretending to be so worried, who can you show it to?"

Rong Yin glanced at Cizer indifferently. He didn't say anything, but silently opened his hand.

 Hold Xue Tuan’s hand again.

 He slowly lowered his head and tremblingly pressed his thin lips to the back of her hand.

 “Do you know why my sister fainted?”

Cizer mocked coldly, "Ever since that day she came to the Presidential Palace to find you and was rejected, she has been depressed. That day, she locked herself in the bedroom, didn't eat or drink, and saw no one. Not even Xiaotuanzi. Not seen either!”

 A bitter taste overflowed from Rong Yin's throat. He closed his eyes and his eyelashes trembled slightly.

“You keep saying that you like her and love her. But in the end, you just want her to be shut out and find a woman to humiliate her?”

Cesare growled angrily, "Rong Yin, speak!"

"What do you want me to say?" Rong Yin said awkwardly.

 It turns out that she will be so sad the day she is rejected.

 (End of this chapter)

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