Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3662: Feelings are so overbearing and unreasonable

Chapter 3662: Feelings are so overbearing and unreasonable

 “Xiaoba, don’t scream, you will disturb him.”

 Banxia stood by the bed, unable to see anything, worried about him, but unable to do anything for him.

 After a while, she heard Xingchi's whisper...

“Yu Xi, dad will accompany you next time.”

 Banxia is very sad, is he feeling guilty?

  Feeling guilty for not having time to spend with Yu Xi?

 Thinking of the past few days, he returned to the villa on time every evening to have dinner with her.

 It was only tonight and I needed to socialize, so I didn’t come back to have dinner with her.

 Is it because of her relationship that he can’t accompany Yu Xi?

"Ban Xia, I've asked someone to make hangover soup. Can you do it here? I'll take care of Young Master Xingchi." The man in black returned to the bedroom and found that she was just standing by the bed, unable to do anything.

Then he reasonably proposed: "Leave Master Xingchi to me to take care of you. You go to rest first?"

 “That’s fine.” Banxia nodded, “I can’t help you much anyway, and it’s just adding to the chaos here.”

 She fumbled little by little with her blind stick and left the bedroom.

The man in black looked at her back, feeling a little lonely for no reason.

The next day, Xingchi came back from the company. As soon as he stepped into the room, he heard Yu Xi’s laughter.

Xiao Ba barked, and Yu Xi chuckled.

“Yu Xi, why are you here?”

Xingchi raised his hand, unbuttoned two shirt buttons, smiled, sat on the sofa, drank yogurt, and touched Xiaoba's head with one hand. Yu Xi raised his head excitedly, "Dad, you're back!"

As he said that, he jumped off the sofa excitedly and ran towards him.

Xingchi leaned over and hugged him. Yu Xi kissed his handsome face affectionately and looked at him with shining eyes.

Xingchi raised his lips and smiled, kissing his fair face, "Why are Yu Xi here?"

“It was my uncle who picked up Yu Xi.”

Xingchi didn't understand, so the servant explained in a low voice, "Master Xingchi, Banxia saw that you missed young master Yu Xi, so he took it upon himself to send someone to pick him up."

I see.

  She always considers issues from his standpoint and thinks about what he thinks.

He looked around and didn't see Banxia, ​​and frowned slightly, "She won't lock herself in the bedroom again, will she?"

 “No, no, I’ll go pick flowers in the garden in midsummer.”

Yu Xi touched his handsome face and said in a cute voice, "Dad, why are you looking for aunt?"

“Nothing, how about daddy playing games with you?”

 “Okay, okay!”

Ban Xia picked a bouquet of champagne roses from the garden and heard the laughter of the father and son.

Hearing his laughter, Banxia felt relieved. Fortunately, he was not angry.

 He shouldn’t blame her for taking matters into her own hands, right?

 The view of Lanshan Mountain.

 Chao Lu sat alone at the dining table, eating dinner alone.

With Yu Xi away, this huge apartment suddenly became deserted.

 She sighed, ate a little, and then put down her chopsticks.

“Miss Chaolu, where are you going?” the servant asked quickly.

Chao Lu walked out and said, "I'm going downstairs to eat."

 She was still a little depressed after entering the elevator.

However, Xingchi is now engaged to Banxia, ​​which is good.

 She doesn't love him, she always knows this.

 Even though he looked very much like Xing Zong, she also understood that they were not the same person.

 Emotions can be so overbearing and unreasonable sometimes.

Obviously they are similar, but they feel different.

 The elevator door opened, and just as she was about to go out, she bumped into someone coming in.

"Sorry!" Chao Lu looked at the vegetables, meat and fruits that had fallen to the ground, squatted down in embarrassment, and immediately helped to pick them up.

Lawyer Zhou looked at the rash little woman and raised his forehead helplessly, "Miss, it's you again."

 (End of this chapter)

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