Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3833: Is a person like me worthy of your liking?

Chapter 3833: Is a person like me worthy of your liking?

 Staggered and took a few steps back. She looked at Rong Yin in surprise, "Why...why do you do this?"

“She is a woman and I am a man. When a man and a woman live alone in the same room, it is easy for them to get into trouble.”

Anman yelled, "Then why didn't you have any misbehavior when you were in the same room with me?"

 “Yes, why?” Rong Yin frowned, his expression solemn.

 Anman panicked, completely panicked.

 He likes Shangguan Xingye's body now, doesn't he?

 It doesn't matter, they are husband and wife. Doing it once is the same as doing it a hundred times.

 As long as the person he likes is her.

 Anman comforted herself in this way and didn't want to lose him, so she couldn't even get angry about this matter.

Rong Yin sighed, "An Man, I betrayed you. I don't want to lie to you. I am indeed very interested in Shangguan Xingye's body. If you think about me carefully now, I can understand you even if you leave."

Anman cried so hard that she couldn't help herself and asked him, "I can give you my body, too."

 Why don’t you want her but Shangguan Xingye?

"You are young."

 “I’m twenty-two!”

“An Man, please think carefully about whether a person like me is worth your liking.”

 After leaving the words, he turned and left.

Anman stood there, burying his face in his hands, feeling uncontrollably sad.


 Presidential Palace.

 It’s already half past eleven, and Rong Yin hasn’t come back yet.

Xue Tuan was guarding a table of exquisite dishes, waiting for him to come back and have dinner together.

 He didn’t answer the phone and never came back.

 Snowball gradually lost patience.

She left the restaurant and sat down on the sofa, hugging her knees and resting her chin on her knees, looking at a certain place in a daze.

Can't believe that one day she will be like a resentful woman, staring at her husband when he comes home.

 It’s funny and sad.

The servant looked at the time and saw that it was almost twelve o'clock.

 She hasn’t had her dinner yet and she doesn’t speak.

 This state is actually very scary. The servant stepped forward cautiously, "Miss Shangguan, it's getting late. Do you think I can make you some midnight snack?"


“It’s getting late if you don’t go upstairs to rest first.”

The servant's words were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching from far away.

The stunned Xue Tuan suddenly raised his head, and at a glance he saw a handsome man with a stern expression walking from outside.

The black shirt worn on him made his handsome face look colder and deeper, and he had the intimidating power of a superior person lingering around him.

 Don’t be angry and be proud.

"You're back!" Xuetuan jumped off the sofa excitedly and flew toward him.

Just after taking two steps, my numb legs suddenly became weak. She was about to throw herself into his arms, but her body fell rapidly.

 The expected pain did not come.

 She was pulled into the man's arms and lay in his arms. She smelled the clear masculine scent on his body. It smelled so good that she was deeply fascinated and attached to him.

Hold his arms tightly around his lean waist, Xuetuan's voice was soft and a little aggrieved, "Why did you come back?"

 She has been waiting for him all night.

 “I have something to be busy with.”

 “You don’t answer my phone calls either.”

Rong Yin pursed her thin lips tightly, glanced down at her, and hesitated to speak.

The servant said cautiously, "Sir, Miss Shangguan has been waiting for you all night. She hasn't eaten anything."

Rong Yin pushed the woman in his arms away, "Are you stupid?"

 He is angry.

 Angry with myself and with her.

 He remembered that she said in the morning that she would wait for him to come back for dinner.

He obviously could have come back, but he didn’t.

I was angry that I had no self-control and could not resist her attraction.

 (End of this chapter)

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