Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 576: Shangguan Ling, what do you want to do?

Chapter 576 Shangguan Ling, what do you want to do?

She opened her eyes suddenly and met the man's cold eyes as deep as a cold pool.

These eyes were the ones she was most familiar with, but at this moment, they were as deep as the vast ocean, bottomless.

 She couldn't get a glimpse of his emotions.

 The collar was pulled, and Su Fu’s neck was strangled so hard that it hurt.

“Shangguan Ling, are you crazy?”

Sufu raised her hand, opened his hand with all her strength, and rubbed her neck with one hand, almost being strangled to death by him!

 Is he crazy?

Want to commit murder? !

Shangguan Ling sneered, raised his hand and pointed at his head, "Don't you have anything to say to me?"


Su Fu nodded. Shangguan Ling was waiting for her to continue. Su Fu smiled slightly with red lips and said, "Get out."

Shangguan Ling's face suddenly darkened. He grabbed her chin with one hand and leaned over to stare at her: "Su Fu, am I indulging you too much?"

 “Which aspect are you referring to?”

 “Every aspect.”

Su Fu sneered, with a look of disdain on her face, "Shangguan Ling, please give me a price. What will it take for you to let me take Xiang Zhiping away?"

“If you want to take Xiang Zhiping away, there’s no way!”

 This is the trump card in his hand, how can he let her take it away easily.

"What do you want?" Su Fu couldn't understand him more and more. If he still thought that she was the same Su Fu who could be rounded and flattened by him, then he was totally wrong.

Shangguan Ling pursed her thin lips tightly, and a storm was brewing under her eyes, roaring, emerging from the bottom of her eyes in layers, "Don't you know best what I want?"

"Your new favorite is Pan Yu. You want her to take the top position, right?" Su Fu's cheeks were sore from being pinched by him. She clasped his hands tightly with both hands and pried his fingers apart one by one.

Su Fu threw his hand away, "Okay, I do as you wish. I'll go down now and help you call Pan Yu up, okay?"

Soph forcefully opened the thin quilt and got out of bed.

He didn't wear any shoes, and walked out with his bare white feet.

She held the doorknob, and just as she was about to pull it open, a hand stretched out from behind, pressed against the door panel, and slammed the door shut.

  Damn it!

Soph didn’t even look back, “Let go.”

 “Soph, you are so presumptuous!”

Shangguan Ling growled and turned her around, "You dare to step out of this bedroom at your own risk!"

"threaten me?"

 “You can think so.”

Soph laughed, she nodded, crossed her arms across her chest, and said with an indifferent expression, "Tell me, if you have any other tricks that can threaten me, use them all."

“To threaten you, one move is enough.” Shangguan Ling grabbed her wrist with one hand and dragged her to the bathroom.

Su Fu kept struggling, "Shangguan Ling, what do you want to do?"

 “I have a headache, help me take a bath!”

“You hurt your head, not your hand!”

Su Fu growled in protest. Shangguan Ling slammed the bathroom door shut with one hand, pressed her body against the back of the door, lowered his head and kissed her.


 The man bit her lips fiercely until they both tasted blood in their mouths.

 He then raised his eyes and looked at her.

 The two of them were close at hand, their breaths intertwined.

Sufu put her hands on his chest and pushed him out, "Let go..."

 “If we keep arguing, it won’t just be as simple as kissing you.”

Hearing her cries of pain, he said evilly, "Like this, and..."

 “Shangguan Ling!”

Su Fu shouted loudly, raised her legs too much, and pushed her knees hard.

 (End of this chapter)

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