Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 591: Master, you are finally mine

Chapter 591 Master, you are finally mine

“Master, if you don’t want to drink...I’ll feed you.”

Pan Yu picked up the water glass and took a sip. She lowered her head and was about to pass it to Shangguan Ling with her lips.

Su Fu was watching all this in the closet, clenching her fists tightly, wanting to rush out and slap Pan Yu hard.


Just when Su Fu was about to rush out of the closet impulsively, Shangguan Ling tilted his head and slipped out of her arms.

Only focusing on supporting Shangguan Ling, Pan Yu didn't notice that he was making too much movement, and the water in his hand splashed out.

 She let go of Shangguan Ling in a panic and immediately put the water glass on the bedside table.

 She stood up, took a tissue from the coffee table, and quickly wiped the water off the sheets.

 The water on the sheets was wiped clean, but the skirt on her body was also wet, and the material clung to her skin, making it uncomfortable.

 She held the collar of her skirt with one hand, looked at Shangguan Ling, and finally had to get up and go to the bathroom.

 The bathroom door closed and the sound of gurgling water sounded.

Su Fu opened the wardrobe carefully. She glared at Shangguan Ling and quietly left the guest room.

 She returned to the bedroom, took her cell phone, and returned to the guest room again.

 She hid in the closet and put her phone in silent mode so that she could record the video later.

Didn’t Shangguan Ling not believe that Pan Yu had ulterior motives for him?


 She will let him see if Pan Yu has any plans for him!

 At that time, let’s see what else he wants to say in front of this evidence.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Pan Yu took a shower and came out wearing a bathrobe.

The closet was open a little, and Su Fu pointed her phone at the bed, just in time to see Shangguan Ling. She pressed the button to start recording the video.

Pan Yu fiddled with her curly hair with one hand. She got on the bed, knelt down next to Shangguan Ling, and looked at him with obsessed eyes.

Stretched out his hand and slowly caressed that handsome face, "Master...Master, you are finally mine."

Pan Yu laughed. She leaned down and ran her fingertips along his gracefully curved chin, all the way down to his well-textured chest.

 Finally, she unbuttoned his shirt one by one.

 He then carefully helped him stand up and took off his shirt completely.

She leaned over and lay on his chest, resting her head on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat, with an obsessed smile on her face.

“Master, how am I inferior to Su Fu? Why can you only see her but not me?”

If she hadn't been smart and well prepared tonight, people would have mistakenly thought she was on her period.

  Just escaped a disaster.

 Shangguan Ling was uncharacteristically drinking as much as he could. When Pan Yu saw this, he had other thoughts.

 He was drunk and she had a chance.

 So, she did not dissuade him throughout the whole process, let alone stop him.

 In my heart, I hope he can get drunk, preferably unconscious.

 In this way, it will be easier for her to start.

God knows how long she has been waiting for this day.

Probably because of her sincere plea, God finally gave her a chance.

 She will definitely cherish this hard-won opportunity... for sure!

 The black shirt was thrown to the ground casually by her. Her fingers slowly moved down, and finally settled on the belt.

She moved her fingers, and the metal buckle of the belt made a clicking sound.

 She successfully pulled out the belt and threw it on the ground.

"Young Master..." Pan Yu smiled and started to pull down the zipper of his trousers.

Soph in the closet raised the corners of her lips contemptuously.

 (End of this chapter)

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